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[ Greg Reese Reports ] ------ [ Jon Bowne Reports ]

These are excellent short 'mini-documentaries' that are brief, concise, hard-hitting, and right to the point!

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Greg Reese Report - Dec 30, 2021 - Runtime: 5:08
The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing People!

Doctors Arne Burkhardt and Sucharit Bhakdi provide evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines cannot protect against a viral infection and trigger self-destruction within vital organs.

Greg Reese Report - Dec 22, 2021 - Runtime: 11:16
100 Years of Conspiracy to Destroy
American Freedom

From the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank & Big Pharma to the Great Reset. America stands at the crossroads.

Greg Reese Report - Dec 14, 2021 - Runtime: 5:43
The Banking Cartel's School For Judas Goats
How corrupt leaders were given marching orders to create the Great Reset’s angry world we see today.

Greg Reese Report - Dec 09, 2021 - Runtime: 4:17
Scientific Study Concludes That 5G Exacerbated COVID
Scientific study published at NIH.gov provides evidence that 5G played a dramatic part of the spurious COVID pandemic.

Greg Reese Report - Dec 08, 2021 - Runtime: 5:48
Professor of clinical psychology Dr. Mattias Desmet explains how we got here and how we win.

Greg Reese Report - Dec 01, 2021 - Runtime: 5:10
Fauci's Dead Babies and Mass Graves From the Past
A look back at some of Anthony Fauci’s crimes against humanity

Greg Reese Report - Nov 29, 2021 - Runtime: 6:40
The Ongoing Cover Up of the Global Elite’s Child Sex Blackmail Operation
Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself

Greg Reese Report - Nov 17, 2021 - Runtime: 5:14
With the Support of the Big Banks the CCP Prepares For World Domination
Goldman Sachs bails out the CCP while they threaten to invade Taiwan and go to war with the US

Greg Reese Report - Nov 12, 2021 - Runtime: 4:27
Pfizer Adds Dangerous Drug to Children’s COVID Vaccines
Pfizer secretly added heart attack drug to children’s COVID vaccines as reports of cardiac arrest in the vaxxed becomes the norm

Greg Reese Report - Nov 03, 2021 - Runtime: 5:08
Know Thy Enemy
A look into the documentary ‘MONOPOLY – Who owns the world?’


Greg Reese Report - Oct 29, 2021 - Runtime: 3:15
The Plan to Destroy the Food Chain and Further Cripple Humanity
EMERGENCY REPORT: Nano Particles to Contaminate Entire Food Supply Under Guise of Food Safety

Greg Reese Report - Oct 20, 2021 - Runtime: 5:11
The Invasion of Taiwan is the Crisis for
the Great Reset

The international banking cartel is poised to start their next world war

Greg Reese Report - Oct 20, 2021 - Runtime: 5:47
Major Government Report Proves Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons

Greg Reese Report - Oct 16, 2021 - Runtime: 5:23
Isolation Centers And Vaccine Mandates In Canada
Justin Trudeau’s Communist crusade to destroy Canada from within

Greg Reese Report - Oct 13, 2021 - Runtime: 5:13
The genocidal globalist’s attempt to cull the human herd and create a godless world of enslavement.

Greg Reese Report - Oct 06, 2021 - Runtime: 5:39
The Big Banks Are Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity
The Great Reset is the end of individual freedom

Greg Reese Report - Sep 30, 2021 - Runtime: 5:14
The Vaccines Are 1000% More Deadly Than Covid-19
According to multiple studies the fully vaccinated are at the highest risk of injury and death

Greg Reese Report - Sep 23, 2021 - Runtime: 6:26
Riccardo Bosi of Australia One gives a warning that the entire world
needs to hear.

Greg Reese Report - Sep 17, 2021 - Runtime: 4:57
How Big Pharma Uses Fauci and the Media to Murder Americans
The two studies that Fauci cited to green light Remdesivir prove that he’s trying to kill Americans

Greg Reese Report - Sep 15, 2021 - Runtime: 4:21
General Mark Milley of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been privately working with the CCP

Greg Reese Report - Aug 18, 2021 - Runtime: 5:10
Locked Down Under! Aussies Warn America: You’re Next!
Your News Media remains silent about Australia’s full tyranny because it’s coming to your country next

Greg Reese Report - Aug 13, 2021 - Runtime: 5:09
The War Against Consciousness and the Ultimate Answer for Liberation
We are not each other’s enemy

Greg Reese Report - Aug 05, 2021 - Runtime: 5:07
Digital Passport Company Run By NAZIs
COVID Vaccine Passport company ENTRUST and their rich NAZI heritage

Greg Reese Report - Jul 28, 2021 - Runtime: 5:21
Political Prisoners tortured in enemy occupied DC jail

Greg Reese Report - Jul 14, 2021 - Runtime: 5:20
This is the End
Humanity rises or humanity falls

Greg Reese Report - Jul 09, 2021 - Runtime: 6:10
Britney Spears, MK-Ultra, and the Destruction of America
How mass media is used to control the imagination of mankind

Greg Reese Report - Jul 02, 2021 - Runtime: 6:37
Patriots who stand against the Great Reset being targeted for genocide

Greg Reese Report - Jun 25, 2021 - Runtime: 5:08
Smoking Gun Proof That The Covid Pandemic
Is A Scam

Documents reveal the U.S. government and Moderna teamed up to send material transfer agreements to top specialists just days before COVID-19 was leaked in Wuhan, China.

Greg Reese Report - Jun 17, 2021 - Runtime: 5:15
The new Democrat Party is waging a modern day Communist Revolution in the United States

Greg Reese Report - Jun 15, 2021 - Runtime: 5:26
Oil & Gas Industry Planning To Replace
Vaccinated Personnel

Whistle blower claims in viral video

Greg Reese Report - Jun 15, 2021 - Runtime: 6:37
An international team of lawyers and medical experts are seeking to charge the CDC, the WHO, and the DAVOS group with crimes against humanity.

Greg Reese Report - May 28, 2021 - Runtime: 3:00
Will The COVID Vaccines Complete The Zombification Of America?

Greg Reese Report - May 25, 2021 - Runtime: 4:07
Will Texas Resist The Communist Takeover?
Perhaps America’s final bastion of freedom, Texas could save the country by rejecting the left’s communist agenda and restoring faith in the Constitution.

Greg Reese Report - May 21, 2021 - Runtime: 3:58
The Mysterious Death of Dr. Fauci’s Most Notable Critic
The late Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, has been blowing the whistle on Fauci and big pharma for thirty years

Greg Reese Report - May 19, 2021 - Runtime: 5:04
Jonestown And The Covid Suicide Cult
How Jim Jones and the C.I.A. helped beta test today's
environmental suicide cult

Greg Reese Report - May 11, 2021 - Runtime: 4:26
The Magnetic Mark of the Beast
The COVID-19 Vaccine has been nothing but red flags from the start

Greg Reese Report - May 11, 2021 - Runtime: 4:32
Evidence of Self Spreading Vaccines Being Used For Depopulation
Unvaccinated women reporting miscarriages and excessive bleeding after coming in contact with the vaccinated.

Greg Reese Report - May 05, 2021 - Runtime: 10:50
Confessions of a former Satanist Pop Star

Greg Reese Report - Apr 30, 2021 - Runtime: 10:40
Fauci Behind Wuhan COVID-19 Leak - WaPost Reporter Tells Joe Rogan
One year after alternative media reported the story

Greg Reese Report - Apr 29, 2021 - Runtime: 4:30
Vaccine Shedding Causing Miscarriages and Blood Clots in Unvaccinated Females
Reports of bleeding in girls as young as 1 years old

Greg Reese Report - Apr 27, 2021 - Runtime: 4:52
Big Pharma's Rape of all Mankind
The powers that be are obsessed with putting something inside of us

Greg Reese Report - Apr 23, 2021 - Runtime: 4:19
The Pedophile Propagandist Roots of Netflix
From Sigmund Freud to Edward Bernays to Marc Bernays Randolph,
the anti-human propaganda agenda continues on in the modern era

Greg Reese Report - Apr 22, 2021 - Runtime: 5:06
Warning! The Fake Alien Invasion Threat is Real!
A mass awakening is the greatest threat to the criminal cabal’s greatest power; invisibility

Greg Reese Report - Apr 20, 2021 - Runtime: 4:56
Hollywood Movie Star Exposes Adrenochrome & Child Sex Trafficking
Jim Caviezel explains what the term 'adrenochrome' refers to while promoting his new film about child sex trafficking

Greg Reese Report - Apr 14, 2021 - Runtime: 4:30
It appears as if UFO technology is being made public
US Navy Announces New Technology That Can Change The Fabric Of Reality

Greg Reese Report - Apr 13, 2021 - Runtime: 4:54
The 100 Year Plan To Disarm the American People
The unlawful destruction of our second amendment from FDR to Joe Biden

Greg Reese Report - Apr 04, 2021 - Runtime: 5:17
Supervillain Bill Gates Plans To Block Out The Sun
Pop culture media darling Bill Gates is a real life Supervillain

Greg Reese Report - Mar 22, 2021 - Runtime: 6:37
The Age of Genetically Modified Humans Has Arrived
How a fake pandemic was used to usher in the anti-human era

Greg Reese Report - Mar 12, 2021 - Runtime: 5:04
Big Bank’s Globalist Death Cult Announce Plans For Global Communism
Vaccine passports, government control, and mass manipulation
will be the new normal

Greg Reese Report - Feb 19, 2021 - Runtime: 4:50
Climate Lockdowns To Break Us Into New Peasant Class
The Great Reset has begun

Greg Reese Report - Feb 08, 2021 - Runtime: 9:20
ENDGAME NOW! Globalist Purge Imminent
The Globalist agenda is now preparing to round up the opposition and all political dissidents

Greg Reese Report - Jan 28, 2021 - Runtime: 6:00
America Being Destroyed From Within By Globalist Agents of the Great Reset
Now that the populist movement has been discarded, plans for totalitarian global governance move forward unimpeded

[ Greg Reese Reports ] ------ [ Jon Bowne Reports ]

[ 2024 Reports ] ------ [ 2023 Reports ] ------ [ 2022 Reports ] ------ [ 2021 Reports ]

[ See Greg Reese on Substack ]


For Acts of Treason

And then add to this...
- Joe Biden -
- Hillary & Bill Clinton -
- George W. Bush -
etc, etc, etc....
