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Jon Bowne Report - Mar 04, 2024 - Runtime: 6:12
CIA Media Junkies Unite!

We have been nice. The American people referred to it as network news, the media, the alphabet networks. Gradually we dug deeper and discovered that it was full blown government issued propaganda. So we dubbed it mockingbird media after Operation Mockingbird. It is now 2024, let's just call it what it is. It is CIA media funded by a sociopathic global cartel hell bent on fueling a daily psyop on the American people amateurishly presented by a myriad of half wit authoritarian junkies.It is CIA TELEVISION.CIA Media Junkies Unite! So that the American people can enforce our Constitution against your totalitarian nonsense.

Jon Bowne Report - Mar 04, 2024 - Runtime: 6:00
The Invisible Overlords Revealed

The overlords have been scuttled from the shadows. The Rothschild family has guarded its anonymity for generations. But those who sought out the true history of the ruling families of Planet Earth have made the families profiting off of usury, war, famine, death and control common knowledge. These families must now face the consequences for what they have unleashed upon humanity throughout history.

Jon Bowne Report - Mar 04, 2024 - Runtime: 6:04
Let's Start A War So You Can Go Die

The incompetent drug addled powers that be have zero solutions or vision. Of course the only future they can see for the American people is a large scale war in a foreign land to protect their global money laundering operation. Do not buckle for a second. Take the power back!

Jon Bowne Report - Mar 01, 2024 - Runtime: 6:03
The USA Is In A Crisis Of Tyranny

Chris Kuehne A 22-year veteran who received the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat. Was sentenced last week to appease the Biden Administration’s war on its own citizens in the massive government setup falsely dubbed the insurrection of January 6th.

When Chris was 9 years old and a Cub Scout he was awarded the Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor, the Medal of Merit, for saving his young sister from a burning car.

On January 6, 2021, Chris did go inside the Capitol after many others had been waved in by Capitol police. Instead of causing any damage Chris cleaned up trash, aided to stop theft of government property, asked Capitol Police how he could help, and asked people to leave the building. In the 12 degree early morning of February 11, 2021 in Olathe, Kansas. Chris, his four-year-old child, and his pregnant wife Annette were raided by the FBI.

Chris’ wife Annette described the scene later went public about the raid, “There were three large armored tactical vehicles parked on my front, side and back yard, and police vehicles that extended throughout the entire community. I open the door, and for a second, I didn’t realize that there were about twenty FBI SWAT Team members with semi-automatic rifles pointed at my son and I. We were covered by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on our bodies.”

The FBI then forced a young pregnant woman and her little child to freeze outside in the cold morning air.

Annette miscarried their baby the next day.

The lack of self awareness during an election year is astonishing. As Biden's Federal Government tyranny is on overdrive. Even reporters aren’t safe from this tyrannical regime. Blaze reporter Steve Baker reported in December that he will be charged for his actions that day for merely reporting live on the event.

What the Biden Administration is obviously jailing Baker for is exposing the setup and perjury committed by Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and Nancy Pelosi's security detail, Special Agent David Lazarus. A manufactured narrative used to throw the Oath Keepers in prison. As the Pelosi setup unravels.

Meanwhile The Federal Bureau of Prisons has barred J6 prisoner Joseph Biggs – a decorated war veteran and former Infowars reporter, from legally speaking to the American public, lawyers and other sources close to Biggs tell WND.

According to WND, with the FBI employing the Bureau of Prisons to essentially torture the political hostages, speaking out with a comment for publication could result in a brutal beatdown by correctional officers and Biggs’ return to isolation in solitary confinement.

Biggs refused to incriminate Donald Trump and paid a big price. Locked in solitary confinement in a 6-by-8 freezing cell and practically starved for 17 months in the Alexandria Detention Facility.

Last October, Biggs was "black-box" cuffed for weeks and stranded on a bus while being transferred from a Philadelphia jail to prison, a haunting journey that the government is prohibiting him from telling the world about.

Meanwhile Jake Lang has been moved to a gang infested Federal prison in Brooklyn, New York. Apparently punished for relentlessly revealing the criminal hypocrisy of the events of January 6th.

Just a few of hundreds of tragic stories that reflect the brutality of a tyrannical overreach by the criminals occupying the highest offices of our Government that the Founders warned us about with with prophetic vision.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 29, 2024 - Runtime: 5:54
Welcome To Machete Town USA

Once upon a time there was a magical town deep in the Heart of Texas. It was home to musicians, artists, filmmakers, and visionaries. Unfortunately, Austin, Texas as we knew it is gone. It is now Machete Town. In the heart of Machete town, 6th Street, The musicians have been replaced by machete wielding homeless lunatics thanks to the grifting of the City Council. A Council that continues to pretend that the old Austin exists to keep the outside money and Californians flowing in. Recently shooting down the latest attempt to have its coffers audited in an effort to apparently cover up the revelations of at least a decade of corruption.

The police force has been decimated and the ones that remain work long hours and face jail time if they don't tow Soros DA Garza's marxist line. At night 6th Street is transformed into a shooting gallery. Where tourists are murdered as they are still being drawn to the City with the promise of what it once was.

Even worse, the Council continues to sell the illusion that Machete Town is a safe environment for thousands upon thousands of filmmakers, tech gurus, and musicians from all over the world to converge on. Ignoring in true left wing fashion, the very real danger lurking in the shadows.

It may be too late to give this advice. But in the words of Gibby Haynes of the Butthole Surfers "Don't move here."

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 27, 2024 - Runtime: 5:54
The CIA Murdered The 1st Amendment

Governments have always had a twitchy trigger finger when it comes to wielding the shiny weapon of mass psyops. Beginning in the 1950s, the CIA began to hire and contract students and people in the media to write false stories, or embellish stories to favor the U.S government. Massive amounts of propaganda were funded using fake companies during the sixties to control the awakening student population. The Church hearings ripped the bandage off in the 1970s. Exposing Operation Mockingbird, revealing the infiltration of the media by the CIA and interested parties. The 1977 Woodward and Bernstein piece, "The CIA and the Media", delved further in, revealing the reporters and organizations paid by the CIA.

But the CIA’s craving for harder psyops couldn’t be quenched and as media evolved the CIA expanded their reach into American Film, Music, and Television. Until the Manchurian candidate, Barack Obama opened the floodgates in 2012 with the modernization of the Smith Mundt Act. Essentially unleashing unyielding CIA propaganda on the unsuspecting American people.

Now in 2024, the ragged media landscape, weaponized to the hilt, actively serves the public a steady diet of omission. Vomiting out the preordained tenets of a full blown Neo Marxist color Revolution.

While a historic low of 32% of Americans harbor a great deal or a fair amount of confidence in the fairness and accuracy of the mockingbird media. While a record high, 39% of Americans say they don’t trust the media.

And the media is on life support. In 2020, 16,000 were cut from the print, broadcast, and media workforce. By 2024, major players in the media landscape were cutting staff. Vox, Vice, The Intercept, Now This, Buzzfed, the Business Insider, Time, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, NBC News and others sent many packing.

And as Rome burns. Old Yeller fiddles. Every time the Biden's check in on how far the ball has moved on the investigation of their corruption. Catherine Herridge was there, detailing their grifting treason in great length. She was simply too damn good at her job.

Her firing reveals that America is experiencing historic communist level censorship. According to Jonathan Turley, The network reportedly seized all of her belongings including files, computers and most importantly, information on privileged sources.

"A former CBS manager, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said that he had 'never heard of anything like this,'" said @JonathanTurley.

"He said the holding of the material was “outrageous” and clearly endangered confidential sources."

As Soros eats up 220 American radio stations and the U.S. Government funds the media to the tune of $55 million over just the last three years. The First Amendment and CIA propaganda are on a collision course of monumental proportions which will ultimately result in third world totalitarianism or a return to the veritas of the Fourth Estate the American Constitution and its people defend. The shadow government will be forced out into the open one way or another.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 22, 2024 - Runtime: 6:13
The Covid Vax Tyrants Run To Their Bunkers

The New World Order zealots are feverishly digging themselves out of a bottomless pit. What had been deemed conspiracy theory two years ago is now being passed off in high gaslighting hubris propaganda circles as common knowledge. As if the minions of the Big Pharma perpetrators finally read the Nuremberg code after seeing the horrific data of skyrocketing insurance claims, an explosion of blood clots, Vaccine injuries and millions of deaths. Cowering behind the media curtain, realizing they have rivers of blood on their hands. While recent chaotically panicked developments concerning Red Cross blood donations revealed that the pure bloods or unvaccinated are receiving vaccinated blood. Simultaneously, the Red Cross is banning those vaccinated with certain Covid vaccines from donating.

But even as freedom persists for those individuals with the courage and knowledge to claim it. The mRNA nightmare just keeps careening down the highway to hell. Thanks to the nefarious donations of Bill Gates and his cronies, the soft depopulation persists. Food labels revealing mRNA poison abound, as it is added to the common diet.

Depopulation infiltration doesn’t stop with our food. It is inevitably floating in the air.

Borders flooded with inevitable terror. Food supplies sabotaged. And Disease X lurking in the shadows.

Is it any wonder that the World’s elite, openly in on the depopulation agenda are building impenetrable underground fortresses.

The architects of evil that endure the greatest culling in Earth’s history will be hunted by the strongest survivors known to humankind. Because the one law that can’t be broken is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 20, 2024 - Runtime: 6:58
Soros Destroys America Government Does Nothing

So why are we all sitting around like the left as the human hemorrhoid George Soros fuels our doom and misery? Why is George Soros now becoming the Judge in every courtroom in America? Why is our Government not banishing this cancer from our existence?

Because once all of the infrastructure of civilization is gone. Once the Stock Market crashes. Once the real riots and revolution happen out of desperation and mass starvation. Once the United States is destroyed from within. How in the hell does George Soros win? Where does his source of income come from? What has George Soros accomplished? Other than serving the demonic purpose of greedily exercising his own senile narcissistic futility.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 18, 2024 - Runtime: 6:03
Did Obama Commit Massive Blatant Treason?

A Top Secret 2016 United Kingdom Government Communications Headquarters document signed off by GCHQ Director Robert Hennigan under the umbrella of New World Order loon Boris Johnson details an operation known as ‘Project Fulsome’. Boldly stating

Sincerely Robert Hannigan Director, GCHQ

The verification of the document is still in question. However, General Flynn has referenced the document several times for years.

If the document is verified to be real. And these things take time, Hunter's laptop for example, then it only goes to backup what we all saw with our own eyes and ears. Barack Obama, hellbent on maintaining his Executive power, in league with global intelligence agencies conspired to commit treason on a scale that makes Watergate look like a caveman having a picnic.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 15, 2024 - Runtime: 6:18
The Great Leap Downward Into Hell On Earth

Between 1959 and 1961, Under Mao Zedong, China starved an estimated 30 - 45 million Chinese people. Mao’s official goal was to quickly evolve China from a rural economy into a modern industrial society. 63 years later, after a period engulfing decades of industrialization aided by burgeoning world government, think tanks, and Kissinger acolytes. Mao’s second coming, China's Xi Jingping, is taking a giant leap into sovereign nations across the globe.

U.S. borders are flooded with record numbers of Chinese military aged males. As taxpayers in New World Order cities shell out their tax dollars to an infinite and debilitating flood of non citizens.

Additionally, The FBI & The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency meekly published “Joint Guidance On How To Live Off The Land” to live off the land is a term regarding the sabotage of routers utilizing botnet attacks designed to give Chinese attackers persistent access to the critical infrastructure. "LOTL involves the abuse of native tools and processes on systems, especially living off the land binaries, often referred to as LOLBins, to blend in with normal system activities and operate discreetly with a lower likelihood of being detected or blocked because these tools are already deployed and trusted in the environment. Cyber threat actors effectively use LOTL across multiple environments, including in on-premises, cloud, hybrid, Windows, Linux, and macOS environments, in part because it enables the ability to avoid investing in the development and deployment of custom tools."

As the Biden administration crumbles, national security must be addressed post haste by any remaining patriotic elements within America's military brass. Time and investigations will tell if Biden did the unthinkable. A sitting President allowing Chinese biowarfare to eliminate U.S. citizens. Followed by aiding enemy recon by Chinese spy balloons that revealed vulnerable military targets. And allowing the CCP to position their soldiers within key choke points of critical infrastructure within the United States.

If you haven’t figured it out yet. The United States is in grave danger.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 12, 2024 - Runtime: 5:27
The Rot Is Real

The rot is real. America is deliberately being destroyed from within. Whether it’s the Chinese linked Mexican drug cartels cancerous fentanyl infiltration of every nook and cranny of America.

Now the expanse of the western United States has been finally breached as federal officials report that Mexican drug cartels are targeting six Native American reservations in Montana for the sale of deadly fentanyl.

Meanwhile, Democrat operatives are targeting black Americans that stray from their clutches of mind control.

Congressmen are barred from investigating issues at federally funded immigration centers.

While foreigners declaring asylum ravage the United States like it’s their personal ATM machine. As Border Patrol reported that Earlier this week, two Romanian nationals, one on a J1 Visa and the other awaiting a court hearing related to an asylum claim, were arrested in a vehicle stop. Agents found 101 gift cards with stolen data, burglary tools, & skimming devices in their car.

Time for the United States is running out. The rot is real and it is exponentially accelerating.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 09, 2024 - Runtime: 6:07
If Only Biden Had A Brain

Things have gotten so bad that Joe BIden's lies are being revealed by his very own propaganda machine at CNN. Biden had been miraculously cleared after being deemed too old and senile to face a jury over his classified document charges. Yet is still able to run the Country into the ground with foreign NGOs and the United Nations.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 07, 2024 - Runtime: 5:51
DC Bias Reveals Treasonous J6 Witch Trials

Washington DC is flexing its NWO muscle to brand average Americans rightfully fed up with a rigged election system as racist domestic terrorists. Because at the end of the day, Washington DC is it’s own state. A corporation separate from these United States. A lobbyist hellhole seeped in corruption teeming with compromised ingrates licking the boots of globalism and fascism.

So when a survey conducted by Triton Polling and Research revealed that a DC jury pool refused to see the truth behind the January 6th political prisoners and instead opted to fuel the anti American narrative, it was clearly obvious that there is no justice in the District of Criminals and a change of venue is in order.

The poll revealed that mockingbird media did its job creating a biased narrative. As J6 protesters were branded as domestic terrorists, traitors, criminals, and insurrectionists. Although released surveillance video reveals otherwise. And instances of election meddling have rippled through the courts since that fateful day. Nearly 90% said that Donald Trump was to blame. Not the broken criminal election system. Nearly 70% said that Donald Trump supporters are racist. A complete fabrication. While nearly 50% agreed that the J6ers who stood up for our Country according to our founding documents deserve life imprisonment or death.

Even as a three-judge panel DC federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. ruled that Donald Trump does not have immunity from prosecution in his election case as a result of having been president at the time of the alleged crimes. The narrative to GET TRUMP and his supporters is crumbling.

It is those that setup this monstrous power grab that flies in the face of the Republic who deserve life imprisonment or worse.

Jon Bowne Report - Feb 01, 2024 - Runtime: 6:19
Democide Party Says Bomb Americans

Tensions are high as a wide open border floods Texas cities with military aged males, criminals, and potential terrorists that has citizens on edge as the Biden Administration demands the UN NGO Soros engineered invasion continue at all costs.

Responding to a tweet spotlighting the heavily armed States backing Texas in its standoff with the Biden Administration. Rather than at the very least calm the fears of his constituents. Texas Democrat State Rep. Gene Wu suggested the proper response to those backing Texas would be for the U.S. Military to drop bombs on these Americans with drone fired hellfire missiles.

The audacity of the statement of psychopathic Democide was met with enraged tweets. However Wu just doubled down on his stance that the American people that he represents are the enemy.

The madness to destroy the U.S. from within is completely off the rails now. As Disturbing video from Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (ATL) shows a group of migrants tucked away in a hidden room guarded by a U.S. service member. The U.S. military is aiding and abetting the collapse of the United States. America is in free fall and no one is manning the controls. The point of no return may already be long behind us.

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For Acts of Treason

And then add to this...
- Joe Biden -
- Hillary & Bill Clinton -
- George W. Bush -
etc, etc, etc....
