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[ Greg Reese Reports ] ------ [ Jon Bowne Reports ]

These are excellent short 'mini-documentaries' that are brief, concise, hard-hitting, and right to the point!

[ 2024 Reports ] ------ [ 2023 Reports ] ------ [ 2022 Reports ] ------ [ 2021 Reports ]

Greg Reese Report - Dec 31, 2022 - Runtime: 5:39
15 Minute Cities and the Right to Travel
The multinational crime syndicate continues killing us softly with a smile

Greg Reese Report - Dec 28, 2022 - Runtime: 5:52
A Digital Prison Is Being Built Around You Right Now
And we must stand together and say no or lose everything

Greg Reese Report - Dec 21, 2022 - Runtime: 5:55
On the Eve of a Cashless Society
The banker’s plan for a digital beast system is upon us

Greg Reese Report - Dec 17, 2022 - Runtime: 4:57
Baby Given Vaccinated Blood Infusion Dies Within Days From a Blood clot
The people stand down as our children continue to be sacrificed

Greg Reese Report - Dec 14, 2022 - Runtime: 5:34
The Inevitable Collapse of the US Dollar
Evidence that the world is returning to a gold standard

Greg Reese Report - Dec 08, 2022 - Runtime: 3:47
NZ Government Kidnaps Baby With Bad Heart
To Prove That mRNA Blood Won’t Hurt Him

4 month old baby with a bad heart taken by government for forced
experimental surgery

Greg Reese Report - Dec 07, 2022 - Runtime: 5:56
Brunson Brothers Versus The Enemies Within
The demoralized public must resist distraction and remain vigilant

Greg Reese Report - Dec 05, 2022 - Runtime: 5:37
"Fall On Your Sword, Mr. Fauci"

Greg Reese Report - Dec 03, 2022 - Runtime: 7:20
The Truth About Ye
The simple masses and their precious shiny things

Greg Reese Report - Nov 30, 2022 - Runtime: 5:56
Be Wary of the Balenciaga Satanic Psyop
The fascination with evil is not a remedy

Greg Reese Report - Nov 26, 2022 - Runtime: 5:12
Canadian Psychiatric Association Targets

British Columbia Bill C-36 lays the groundwork for forced vaccination

Greg Reese Report - Nov 19, 2022 - Runtime: 4:47
Powerful Demonstration of ‘We the People’ Happening Now in Brazil
The Great Reset? Martial Law? Or a Golden Age?

American Journal - Nov 18, 2022 - Runtime: 11:10
Deep Dive Into Stolen Elections, Psyops, And What To Expect Next With Greg Reese
How Deep State psyops are deployed to subvert cultural movements that threaten their agenda

Greg Reese calls into The American Journal with Guest Host, Chase Geiser to discuss election integrity, and how deep state psyops are deployed to subvert cultural movements that threaten their agenda

Greg Reese Report - Nov 16, 2022 - 5:41
Canadian Government Preparing to Euthanize Children Without Parental Consent
“mature minors”

Greg Reese Report - Nov 13, 2022 - Runtime: 4:13
CEO of FTX is Daughter of SEC Head's Former Boss
Democrat slush fund to serve as catalyst for government regulation of crypto

Greg Reese Report - Nov 12, 2022 - 5:38
Voter Fraud and the Illusion of Freedom
As bad as our voting is today its the best its ever been

Greg Reese Report - Nov 09, 2022 - Runtime: 4:53
A Thread Of Important Questions That Every American Should Be Asking
Now that our elections have failed us again, what are we going to do about World War III?

Greg Reese Report - Nov 05, 2022 - Runtime: 5:07
Bolsonaro, Election Fraud, and the Big Red Wave
The people of the world are waking up to the fact that democracy is a farce

Greg Reese Report - Nov 02, 2022 - Runtime: 5:37
California Is Now Castrating Children From
All 50 States

California law SB-107 allows access to destructive transgender surgeries for all American children without parental consent

Greg Reese Report - Oct 29, 2022 - Runtime: 5:53
Under the flag of aborting and castrating children, the West
wages war upon the world.

Greg Reese Report - Oct 26, 2022 - Runtime: 5:04
Communist China Rigging Elections With Konnech Incorporated
The digital rigging of the 2022 elections

Greg Reese Report - Oct 15, 2022 - Runtime: 7:29
Imminent Cataclysm and the Plan to Survive the Great Reset
One of the oldest stories on Earth may explain why the entire world
is going mad

Greg Reese Report - Oct 12, 2022 - Runtime: 6:29
Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian
He who controls the weather controls the world

Greg Reese Report - Oct 07, 2022 - Runtime: 5:29
Depopulation Agenda Continues As World Leaders Prepare For Nuclear War
The West is now speaking of starting World War III with a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia

Greg Reese Report - Oct 05, 2022 - Runtime: 6:32
Putin and the War to End America
A Reese Report summary of Oliver Stone’s 4-hour series; The Putin Interviews

Greg Reese Report - Sep 28, 2022 - Runtime: 5:31
Deadly COVID Vaccines and the Mysterious
Downward Spiral

Videos from security cameras worldwide show the same strange invisible attack

Greg Reese Report - Sep 21, 2022 - Runtime: 5:47
Bug Out Bags, Underground Bases & The Denver International Airport
The city of Denver prepares the locals to bug out of town

Greg Reese Report - Sep 10, 2022 - Runtime: 5:42
The Dark Ugly Past of the Climate Crisis King
King Charles and the royal family’s legacy of child exploitation

Greg Reese Report - Sep 07, 2022 - Runtime: 9:40
Occult Mysteries of the Federal Reserve Bank
Bix Weir’s Road to Roota theory

Greg Reese Report - Aug 27, 2022 - Runtime: 6:45
The Trump Vaccine
Is Donald J Trump “Literally Hitler”?

Greg Reese Report - Aug 13, 2022 - Runtime: 5:22
IRS Amassing Its Own Army While Federal Reserve Intensifies Inflation Tax
The IRS is hiring an army of tax collectors willing to use deadly force

Greg Reese Report - Aug 06, 2022 - Runtime: 5:22
Human Cannibalism Being Pushed by the New Green Movement
Mainstream media persuading the public to normalize cannibalism
and eat each other

Greg Reese Report - Jul 30, 2022 - Runtime: 5:38
The Environmentalist Trojan Horse of the Depopulation Death Cult
Psychopaths and their economists cull the human herd under cover of the green agenda

Greg Reese Report - Jul 27, 2022 - Runtime: 6:39
The End of American Justice
The New World Order vs Alex Jones and InfoWars

Greg Reese Report - Jul 22, 2022 - Runtime: 6:16
How The Big Banks Enslave Humanity
And how to liberate all of mankind

Greg Reese Report - Jul 16, 2022 - Runtime: 5:50
World War III and the Imminent Collapse
of the US Dollar

We are now living in the Great Reset

Greg Reese Report - Jul 13, 2022 - Runtime: 5:16
The Crucial Difference Between the Fall of Sri Lanka and the Dutch Uprising
System failure and societal collapse is all part of the Globalist plan for a one world government

Greg Reese Report - Jul 09, 2022 - Runtime: 6:28
Dutch Farmers Ignite Worldwide Anti-Globalist Uprising
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Greg Reese Report - Jul 06, 2022 - Runtime: 6:15
Demonic Dimensions and the Mysteries of CERN
What exactly is CERN attempting to do?

Greg Reese Report - Jul 06, 2022 - Runtime: 5:29
A.I. Run Factory To Process 5000 Tons of Meat Per Day - Delivered Via Trains
As we celebrate our independence this year we must remember that the 1973 film Soylent Green took place in 2022

Greg Reese Report - Jun 29, 2022 - Runtime: 5:39
BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency
As America Commits Economic Suicide

While America is falling, BRICS and the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum announce plans to lead the world into Globalism

Greg Reese Report - Jun 25, 2022 - Runtime: 6:46
The Most Revolutionary Enactment in all of History is our American Birthright
The US Constitution is the most valuable precept for liberty ever drafted by mankind and it must be secured

Greg Reese Report - Jun 22, 2022 - Runtime: 5:22
Establishment Loyalists Manipulated Into Sacrificing Their Own Children
The US Government is urging its constituents to give their children a vaccine known to maim and kill

Greg Reese Report - Jun 17, 2022 - Runtime: 5:49
The End of Oil & Gas in Biden’s America
Americans are being deliberately deprived of food and energy as part of the Globalist Great Reset

Greg Reese Report - Jun 15, 2022 - Runtime: 5:46
Massive Bio-Structures Found in Bodies of the Vaccinated
Morticians finding anomalous structures inside the vascular system of deceased vaccinated people

Greg Reese Report - Jun 11, 2022 - Runtime: 5:15
The Two Party System and the American Failed State
A history of the Democrat party’s mission to destroy American’s Birthright

Greg Reese Report - Jun 04, 2022 - Runtime: 6:13
Satanism explained plain and simple

Greg Reese Report - Jun 01, 2022 - Runtime: 6:05
The True Evil Behind America's Mass School Shootings
How the Feds plan on killing the 2nd Amendment and destroying Individual Freedom

Greg Reese Report - May 28, 2022 - Runtime: 5:39
How We Can Take Back America
If we are unwilling to come together and lawfully police our elected leaders then we don’t deserve freedom

Greg Reese Report - May 25, 2022 - Runtime: 5:50
The Truth About Monkeypox
Everything we know about monkeypox that the corporate media won’t tell you

Greg Reese Report - May 21, 2022 - Runtime: 5:43
The New World Order Prepares Their Final Attack
The One World Government finalizes their plans in Switzerland as Monkeypox appears on cue

Greg Reese Report - May 18, 2022 - Runtime: 5:19
City Mayors Working Directly With U.N. as U.S. Government Surrenders Authority to the W.H.O.
The New World Order is no longer hiding in the shadows

Greg Reese Report - May 14, 2022 - Runtime: 5:46
2000 Felons & Zero Justice
A Reese Report review of Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules

Greg Reese Report - May 11, 2022 - Runtime: 6:03
How Russia Could Defeat NATO And Launch The Great Reset With Only One Nuke
The United States declared victory over the Japanese with two nuclear attacks,
here is how Russia could defeat America with one.

Greg Reese Report - May 04, 2022 - Runtime: 5:55
The Obama Revolution
The American Oligarchy pushes for nuclear war as humanity awakens to their heinous crimes

Greg Reese Report - Apr 30, 2022 - Runtime: 5:55
Big Pharma Set To Control Entire Food Supply
Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum are planning to replace your food
with gene edited produce and lab grown meat

Greg Reese Report - Apr 27, 2022 - Runtime: 5:14
Incoming Carbon Taxes and Worldwide Climate Lockdowns
World Health Organization set to be international health authority
over all nations

Greg Reese Report - Apr 22, 2022 - Runtime: 4:51
The American Famine of 2022
How history repeats itself when it’s far too late

Greg Reese Report - Apr 20, 2022 - Runtime: 6:18
The Megadeath Intellectuals of the Great Reset
Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum was built upon the ideas of world government, depopulation, and thermonuclear war

Greg Reese Report - Apr 16, 2022 - Runtime: 4:43
Forced Lockdowns Are Coming Back To America
What is being shown to us in Shanghai is a foreshadowing of what’s to come

Greg Reese Report - Apr 13, 2022 - Runtime: 5:23
A Brief History of Criminal FBI Entrapment Operations
After Michigan jury acquits two in Whitmer kidnapping case it’s good to educate yourself on the FBI’s criminal past

Greg Reese Report - Apr 09, 2022 - Runtime: 5:53
The Dark Side Of Disney
The long criminal history of Disney’s pedophile child predators

Greg Reese Report - Apr 06, 2022 - Runtime: 5:40
Pedophile Gatekeeper Appointed
to the Supreme Court

Judge Katanji Jackson has made a career out of protecting
the illicit Child Sex industry

Greg Reese Report - Apr 02, 2022 - Runtime: 6:08
The Real Agenda Behind Transgenderism
Why woman is the number one enemy of the coming Technocracy

Greg Reese Report - Mar 30, 2022 - Runtime: 4:28
U.S. Military Deaths Up 1100% And Exponentially Rising
Lawyer from the US Navy Seals Vs Joe Biden trial speaks out

Greg Reese Report - Mar 26, 2022 - Runtime: 5:43
Pfizer Seeks Approval to Inject Infants with Deadly Gene Therapy Shots
If Pfizer can add the mRNA vaccine to the childhood vaccine schedule it will enjoy permanent liability protection under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

Greg Reese Report - Mar 23, 2022 - Runtime: 6:37
The Nazification of the West
And what it really means to be a NAZI

Greg Reese Report - Mar 18, 2022 - Runtime: 6:51
NATO’s obsession with biological warfare

Greg Reese Report - Mar 10, 2022 - Runtime: 6:13
Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs
A closer examination of the Pentagon funded bio-labs in Ukraine brings up all the usual suspects

Greg Reese Report - Mar 05, 2022 - Runtime: 5:34
Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs in the Ukraine
Evidence shows dozens of NATO funded bio-labs surrounding Russia

Greg Reese Report - Mar 02, 2022 - Runtime: 6:25
The First Casualty Of War Is The Truth
How to overthrow sovereign nations via violence and deceit

Greg Reese Report - Feb 22, 2022 - Runtime: 4:30
Pluto's Return and the Rebirth of Individual Freedom
The United States’ first Pluto’s Return has just begun on the auspicious day of 2/22/2022

Greg Reese Report - Feb 19, 2022 - Runtime: 6:59
A Brief History of Unlawful Human Experiments

A brief history of crimes against humanity committed by governments
around the world

Greg Reese Report - Feb 15, 2022 - Runtime: 4:59
Trudeau’s Imminent False Flag To Crush The Canadian People
Now that Trudeau has declared war against the Canadian people, here is a look at possible controlled opposition

Greg Reese Report - Feb 09, 2022 - Runtime: 5:30
Trudeau Deploys Globalist Police Force Against Historic Peaceful Protest
Globalist thugs and a potential false flag in Ottawa, Canada at the Freedom Convoy

Greg Reese Report - Feb 04, 2022 - Runtime: 4:25
The Canadian truckers have inspired the entire world to rise up against the New World Order

Greg Reese Report - Feb 01, 2022 - Runtime: 5:47
5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine
Evidence presented by the Fifth Column shows forced Trans-humanization of society is happening now

Greg Reese Report - Jan 15, 2022 - Runtime: 5:31
America's Food Supply Fertilized With Human Remains And Coated With Nanoparticles
US Corporations do not need to tell you what nanotechnologies they are putting in your food

Greg Reese Report - Jan 12, 2022 - Runtime: 6:13
The Truth About Mass Psychosis
And why the mainstream media desperately says it doesn’t exist

Greg Reese Report - Jan 06, 2022 - Runtime: 6:20
Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in the Pfizer Vaccine
Electron Microscopy confirms what official documents and patents have already told us about the Trans-Humanist agenda.

[ Greg Reese Reports ] ------ [ Jon Bowne Reports ]

[ 2024 Reports ] ------ [ 2023 Reports ] ------ [ 2022 Reports ] ------ [ 2021 Reports ]

[ See Greg Reese on Substack ]


For Acts of Treason

And then add to this...
- Joe Biden -
- Hillary & Bill Clinton -
- George W. Bush -
etc, etc, etc....
