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Jon Bowne Report - Jan 31, 2024 - Runtime: 6:05
FDA Inserts Don't Lie:
Colorado Ebola Psyop Exposed

The psyop to throw the public off the trail of the next engineered pandemic is very real. A new bat lab is constructed in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Meanwhile, Denver Doctors are inoculated with a live Ebola vaccine. The FDA inserts tell the real story in black and white that shedding occurred in one trial 31% of the time. Additionally, there is no data concerning how this would effect the immune compromised. All of this as an unknown number of secret biolabs within the United States have failed numerous safety tests.

Jon Bowne Report - Jan 12, 2024 - Runtime: 8:12
NWO Minions Crash And Burn

Corruption has run its course. Its 2024 and The Biden Administration minions are inevitably being fed to the wolves. In hubris riddled desperation Hunter Biden yet again stormed the hill to defend his privileged outpost as the bag man in a foreign pay to play family business scheme tied to the goals of the New World Order. The child man byproduct of a lifetime surrounded by federal goons and philandering politicians took his Benedict Arnold dog and pony show to his contempt of congress hearing to face a Country that is disgusted by the contents of his laptop. Hunter held out as Democrats praised him. Only to feverishly race for the exits once the rhetoric hurt the child man's ears.

Despite Hunter's inept efforts. The House Oversight and Judiciary committees each passed contempt charges against Hunter. In an unprecedented outcome, the House will vote on recommending criminal charges against the child of a sitting U.S.President as the GOP enters the final stages of an impeachment inquiry into the president himself.

Meanwhile, Alejandro Mayorkas dubbed "The architect of the devastation" finally garnered an impeachment proceeding that laid out the brutal facts against him.

This game of semantics Mayorkas is playing is coming to an end. Mayorkas should be investigated further as to his knowledge and involvement of the massive foreign criminal operations infiltrating the American heartland under his watch.

The mockingbird media and the Uniparty establishment would have us all believe that this is merely business as usual. Just two sides of the aisle muckraking as the Election season ramps up. However, Hunter Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas are far more than pawns caught in the political storm. They are minions of a strategic globalist mafia threat to U.S. sovereignty commonly known as the New World Order. And they have each succeeded at harming the future and security of the Republic of the United States of America.

Jon Bowne Report - Jan 09, 2024 - Runtime: 7:13
Mayorkas Destroys U.S. From Within

Homeland Security reported 1.7 million "known" gotaways in 2023. Meanwhile Homeland Security gaslighting mouthpiece Mayorkas continues his blatant campaign of BS. Lying about indisputable record breaking numbers from his own department. And as we head into an election year, Biden and company flail about. While the national security and infrastructure of the United States is pushed to the breaking point. As schools in New York send the students home in order to replace their classrooms with the Democrat's manufactured border crisis.

Jon Bowne Report - Jan 07, 2024 - Runtime: 6:20
The Tide Is Turning On National Entrapment Day

Three years later the tide of tyranny is turning. January 6th defendants like Jake Lang have taken their case to the Supreme Court. Where tyranny no longer has a foothold. And in the case of Jeremy Brown, a retired U.S. Army Special Forces master sergeant. The impulsive setup of our nation's defenders in the name of tyranny is finally seeing the light of day.

Joe Biden and his handlers have demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that they are the very antithesis of the American Republic. 2024 is the year when their feet are held to the fire of truth and justice. And the J6 Political Prisoners are freed.

Jon Bowne Report - Jan 04, 2024 - Runtime: 5:51
It Begins: The Epstein List Revealed

Ghislaine Maxwell is serving her 20 year sentence in a low security Tallahassee Prison after she was convicted on four counts of enticement of minors, and one count of sex trafficking of a minor. Maxwell also faces another criminal trial for two charges of lying under oath about Epstein's abuse of underage girls. In prison she has been dubbed “Prison Karen” after filing hundreds of complaints regarding everything from the quality of the food to the lack of black hair dye. As a result of Ghislaine's convictions, U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska unsealed hundreds of documents containing the identities of a cavalcade of anonymous power players that had been named in Virginia Giuffre's lawsuit against Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell.

At the last minute, two of those does had delayed the release of the names of Epstein’s co conspirators in the international sex slavery ring. Those does, doe 107 and doe 110 were successful in delaying their names from being revealed until January 22nd as they are under court review.

However, the names that emerged from the first batch of documents regarding Epstein’s sick world that testimony reveals as having been involved in questionable acts are as follows and obviously, I am not accusing anyone of wrongdoing. I am merely stating what the court records revealed.

Alleged abusers included, Prince Andrew, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, French modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, billionaire hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin, U.S. Businessman Tom Pritzker and there are still political leaders that are unnamed as the victim couldn't remember their names.

Other names included for further scrutiny are Steven Kaufman,Ron Eppinger, Marvin Minsky, and Adriana Ross. And of course we have only just begun to dig into this and more documents are still going to be released.

The testimony of one of Epstein's victims, Johanna Sjoberg, revealed that Bill Clinton "Likes them young." While magician David Copperfield asked if "girls were getting paid to find other girls.' Stephen Hawking is involved in an email from Epstein to Maxwell offering to reward one of his victim's friends if they could 'prove her allegations false', including a "Clinton Dinner" and that Professor Stephen Hawking participated in an underage orgy. Alan Dershowitz, who has spent the past few years vehemently defending his name claims that he was misidentified after accusations claimed he participated and was an eyewitness to the abuse.

The main takeaway, Donald Trump's name is not implicated. And now the media must sulk away and dredge up other propaganda.

On the heels of this announcement more big names are to be revealed in a massive Chinese, Russian, and South Korean government connected high end honeypot brothel network in Eastern Virginia and Boston used by elected officials, military officers, and government contractors. Let the resignations begin.

Jon Bowne Report - Jan 02, 2024 - Runtime: 10:38
The NWO's 2024 Black Swan Tell

Black Swan. It is the favorite New World Order term. The NWO would have us believe that a Black Swan event is an unfortunate event created by the Russians, MAGA terrorists, or anonymous hackers. Not a looming premeditated war gamed genocidal treasonous act by an establishment fueled by the insanity of a totalitarian Eugenicist movement careening off the tracks.

Like Event 201, the Globalists have already clearly telegraphed that they are behind an inevitable Black Swan event. And the rabbit hole is deep.

Following the death of NWO Godfather Henry Kissinger, Kissinger’s loyal Nazi student Klaus Schwab fumbles with the house of cards of the New World Order. As his diabolical leadership becomes clearer to the populous. Schwab struggles to keep the mad dream alive. Unfortunately for this legion of doom addicted would be murderous tyrants, 2024 reveals that humanity is wide awake and Pandora’s box has been opened. And we know exactly who opened it.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 29, 2023 - Runtime: 8:10
The New World Order Invades 2024

The numbers are staggering. Whether its the record breaking amount of non naturalized non U.S. citizens flooding the United States. Or the occupation of Europe as Sharia Islamic fundamentalists have declared victory in several Countries. Or the billions of dollars that the NGOs and their minions in Congress are greasing off the backs of the United Nations global border invasion. Or the monumental tab picked up by the American people to destroy themselves. The invasion isn't coming. It's here.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 24, 2023 - Runtime: 7:57
2024 Will See Digital IDs Ushered In By Cyber And Terror Attacks

Its coming whether we want to ignore it or not. Three years ago,the WEF's Bond Villian Klaus Schwab announced the inevitability to the unsuspecting masses. A cyber attack will happen before 2025. It will begin with power outages that force the remaining public online to submit to the dawn of the CBDC and a digital ID system for the western world. The past few outages have merely been test runs. As cyber attacks are increasing globally. And now that power companies in Texas pave the precedent toward zero liability. They are onboard to wipe out thousands of Americans. Following the mass murder of millions with a vaccination designed to commit mass genocide. The time has run out for the WEF and United Nations to pretend to be a benevolent organization. All cards are on the table and there will be no more hiding the next phase of the plan.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 17, 2023 - Runtime: 6:32
End Anti American FISA And Restore The 4th

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance or FISA Act was established in 1978 after the Tricky Dick Administration forced the hand of Congress to seek judicial and congressional oversight with a secret court of 7 Article 3 District Judges unhindered by checks and balances over the escalating abuse of surveillance by the Federal Government. 45 years later, the 4th Amendment violating FISA rubber stamp monstrosity that approves 99.7 % of warrant requests, has become far worse than what it was intended to prevent.

The Trojan Horse Patriot Act expanded the FISA Court's authority. Section 215 eliminated restrictions on the surveillance of business and lowered the burden of proof to confiscate records previously protected by the 4th Amendment. Craving deeper control, the Bush Administration's STELLARWIND program secretly authorized the NSA to monitor without a warrant, all communications involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the United States, even if the other end of communication was within the United States. After a Congressional mutiny, oversight was returned to the FISA court.

However, The FISA Amendments Act of 2008 enacted Section 702 loosening the FISA Court oversight and increased from 48 hours to seven days the length of time Americans online communications with those living abroad could be surveilled without a FISA Court warrant.

During the Obama years, mega patriot Edward Snowden downloaded U.S. military contractor Booz Allen Hamilton's massive domestic spying program.

This eventually lead to Congress passing the USA Freedom Act that provided a 180-day sunset provision before eliminating § 215 of the PATRIOT Act. And set a discretionary standard for hearing both sides of a case before deciding.

In 2020, the DOJ admitted that the secret FISA Court had been in league with the FBI and the DOJ issued warrants that abused the FISA process to spy on the Trump campaign.

And now in 2023, snubbing their noses at the Constitutional rights of American citizens, and after months of moving the goalposts. Congress passed the NDAA 2024. Rewarding the FBI with more communist style control.

Attention power mad totalitarian Uniparty members of Congress. The FISA courts and all sections related to them violate our 4th Amendment rights on its face. And what does surveilling Americans communicating with foreigners achieve when Congress has allowed more possible terroristic threats into the United States under Biden's 3 years than the previous 12 years? It's obvious, it is the Federal Government that is a threat to the National Security of the United States and the rights of its citizens.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 15, 2023 - Runtime: 6:08
America Not Holding Its Breath Over Uniparty Biden Impeachment

Are we witnessing the Biden family’s last stand?

And now that the ball is firmly in the hands of the GOP will they purposely fumble in order to protect the Uniparty?

The Democrats have proven that their only contribution to the future of the Republic is weaponized gaslighting and hypocrisy. Bordering on collusion with the Biden family’s massive evidence of foreign bribery. An act that clearly violates the Constitution, ethics and common sense.

While Republicans meekly refuse to enforce the very same laws used against the Trump administration upon the criminal accomplice of the President after Hunter Biden refuses a deposition. Hunter claims to want to ask questions in the name of transparency. Then proceeds to answer nothing and makes his escape. Blatantly in contempt of Congress.

And now that the Biden’s have been backed into a corner, how will they retaliate against the American people? What lengths will the DOJ go to protect them now? And how quickly will false flags and cyberattacks randomly appear as Congress returns after the holidays?

2024 is shaping up to be one of the most interesting and dangerous years in American History.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 08, 2023_ - Runtime: 6:53
NWO Builds Planetary Suicide Machines

Many cults reach a point where mass murder is inevitable. It is no different with the Climate Change cult. Recently, at the 28th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as the COP28, Pope Francis issued an apostolic exhortation to address the climate crisis. While President of COP28 Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company raised questions.

These people won't stop until all life on Planet Earth is no more. And they continue to ignore the science. King Charles demanded that US taxpayers pump trillions of dollars to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. While John Kerry wants food production halted and millions to starve in order to worship his delusions. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia spearheads a 500 Billion dollar project to cram 260,000 people per square kilometer into a 110 mile long dense nightmare. Another part of their misguided solution is the use of carbon dioxide removal machines.

However, the potential leaks from storing carbon in underground reservoirs due to well failures, earthquakes and big money ignoring potential regulations could be catastrophic to life on Earth. The leaking CO2 underground in high concentration combined with the coupled processing of poisonous hydrogen sulphide could potentially wipe out millions per incident. A perfect target for potential terror attacks or false flag events. Putting the extinction of targeted populations in the hands of NWO psychopathic cults with a weapon of genocide lurking beneath our feet.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 6, 2023 - Runtime: 6:04
Dick Durbin Is A Clear And Present Danger

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin is a clear and present danger to the National Security and future of the United States of America. The senior Democratic Senator that serves as the Senate Democratic whip and chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee has recently emerged from his milquetoast shell as an opponent to the Republic for which its stands.

Durbin leads a Democratic party that views the invasion of 8 million illegals under the BIden Administration as a voting block and enforcement arm against taxpaying U.S. Citizens. Relishing in the possibility of millions of non assimilated military aged men given the power by the U.S. Congress to oppress the critical and deplorable American people.

After 40 years of working the D.C. insider favors game with his wife and Illinois Lobbyist, Durbin has a net worth of $10 million dollars on an average $176,000 per year salary. As the Chicago Tribune discovered, Lorretta Durbin has landed contracts with a host of companies, non profits, and Universities under the purview of her husbands Congressional oversight.

Recently, Durbin blocked Senator Marsha Blackburn's request to subpoena the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. And then acted as if he had no idea what anyone was talking about.

Dick Durbin is as dirty as the day is long. And like many of his fellow Congressional Uniparty Country Club members, he works for a corrupt criminal combine hell bent on the destruction of the United States.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 03, 2023 - Runtime: 6:05
New Zealand Bombshell Covid Truth Extinguished

Barry Young and another whistleblower that were on the inside of New Zealand's Covid Vaccine rollout have been arrested for revealing the horrible truth. Young has been deemed a flight risk and been denied bail. The statistical evidence that roughly up to 20% of New Zealand's population was murdered by the Covid vaccines has finally been revealed by the selfless act of a lone New Zealand Health statistic administrator. As more evidence seeps in. While politicians were well aware of the numbers. Gleefully pretending to be the saviours while many died under an Orwellian information lockdown. The straw has broken the camel's back. There is no turning the safe and effective covid lockdown narrative away from the statistical evidence of mass murder. Which only means that those responsible must continue their dark deeds. Waging an unyielding war of propaganda against the masses with a flood of lies and distractions.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 29, 2023 - Runtime: 6:01
Irish Government Targets The Irish

The tables have turned on the coordinated invasion of Europe by the United Nations NWO establishment...

For a year, the Irish people protested their government peacefully against the madness of an off the rails immigration system.

It was fitting that the the words of Irish American John F. Kennedy defined the series of events to come with this wisdom. Quote "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

The Globalist minions had long been warned. The Irish people had endured enough.

Ireland's UFC Champion Connor McGregor declared war. McGregor was quickly investigated for hate speech by the New World Order fascists. A media and political death machine installed by the World Economic Forum. Barking the now all too familiar demonization of the native people as far right extremists.

Lies upon lies. The Irish burned down migrant centers. Yet protected their stores from being looted by immigrants.

And then the Irish Parliament weighed in. Ireland’s online hate speech bill proposal will be “restricting freedom for the common good,” according to Irish Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly.

As Keith Woods reported “Irish government ministers are considering proposals to cut welfare of people who took part in anti-immigration riot.

If someone broke the law, they will suffer the consequences under the law, but I have never before seen a government considering depriving welfare as a bonus punishment.

The Algerian migrant who stabbed children outside a school had not worked in 20 years - Ashling Murphy's killer Josef Puska and his family had lived on welfare in Ireland for over 10 years.” The anger in Europe has boiled over. The English, Spanish, Germans, Greeks, French, and Italians have had enough of the government's guests murdering, raping, and looting. There will be no New Ireland. Ireland is for and of the Irish people.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 23, 2023 - Runtime: 7:04
Hang The Genocidal Bastards!

According to recent data regarding the Covid Vaccine rollout roughly 20 million people were killed and roughly 2 billion were injured. And barely anything has been done to those responsible that became billionaires overnight profiting from the cold blooded murder of our loved ones.We must peacefully retake our government piece by piece and begin the process of prosecuting these genocidal bastards for the most egregious crime against humanity the world has ever witnessed. But our world is struggling to see the truth and are walking into a bleak future. Because they are preparing to do it all over again.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 23, 2023 - Runtime: 5:56
The Feds Radicalize The Holidays

As the FBI and DHS ignore their sworn duty in order to fuel the narrative of white supremacy. Those radicalized by State propaganda through the mockingbird media, Anti American politicians, and funding by George Soros are morphing into cells of dangerous domestic terrorism.

Whether its the now accelerating and accepted war on white people. Ignored by the media and the authorities.

Or the slippery slope to widespread domestic terrorism where protesters side with Hamas in the United States.

Or the thousands of military aged men pouring into the Country unvetted on the backs of Communist China, Terrorist Nations, and the Mexican drug cartels.

At a hearing regarding global threats, the Federal monstrosity is doing nothing on the exterior other than asking for more money to counter what they are growing.

The writing is on the wall. Watch as Chairman Bennie Thompson ignores the myriad of imminent national security threats Americans face in order to demonize members of his own Government. On the exterior, the Federal Bureaucracy is growing these threats through faux incompetence and sheer neglect.

On the interior, the Government appears to be going through the throes of a soft coup. Where the Democratic party foolishly intends on emerging as the saviors as future terrorism ignites a martial law state and unvetted illegal aliens are given the right to vote.

Simple math places the Uniparty and their fellow minions in the unelected federal bureaucracy as the greatest threat to the United States. There should be a hearing on that.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 20, 2023 - Runtime: 6:53
We Are Dying In The Huxley Eugenics Nightmare

The Fabian Society, in their ultimate snobbery, still wants you dead. They have always wanted you dead. The Huxley brothers along with fellow Eugenicists built an alternate governmental system known as the United Nations. It birthed the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization. These organizations are actively plotting and murdering you. Again, these organizations are actively plotting and murdering you.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 16, 2023 - Runtime: 6:50
The New World Order Infiltrates The Republic

President Xi entered the United States with zero U.S. flags being flown and was given the red carpet treatment with U.S. Soldiers holding the Communist Flag. The optics are obvious and there has never been a more important time to fight for the Republic than right now. Because it is being sold down the river right in front of our eyes.

Why else would the Secretary of State look like he is a witness to treason?

China's Art Of War psyop is ongoing and exhausting. But the tactics have paid off for China as those within our government bleeding America dry arrogantly aid and abet China's campaign to dominate the west.

While the Democratic Party leadership foments total chaos as pro Palestinian Democratic zealots turn on their masters as they stormed the DNC. New World Order tunnel vision now occupying the party's objectives as their anti semitic supporters spiral into pure chaos.

At this point, California Governor Newsom has lost all interest in fulfilling his sworn duty to Govern the State of California. China suck up Newsom is all in on his role in the emergence of a Communist style government in the Golden State as he blatantly admits that San Francisco was cleaned up for Communist China President Xi's visit. Not for the residents of San Francisco.

Meanwhile, China continues mass detention and torture of the Uyghurs while maintaining a technocratic prison of its own people. China has purchased hundreds of thousands of acres next to U.S. military bases. And the Biden Administration continues to ignore the spy balloons that freely gathered sensitive national security data. While the China holds a staggering 1 Trillion of U.S. debt.

And as the jaws dropped of American's paying attention to the blatant treason before their eyes. The FCC Adopted rules to prevent and eliminate "Digital Discrimination". Essentially ensuring that the nefarious 5G towers will reach every American community while stifling innovation by grinding the internet to a slow halt via big government regulation. While China launches the world’s first next-generation internet service more than 10 times faster than existing major routes two years ahead of schedule.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 14, 2023 - Runtime: 7:09

According to the latest monthly poll conducted by the Global Strategy Group and North Star Opinion Research, some 61% of respondents said they disapproved of Biden’s handling of the economy, while only 36% approved.

80% of the fiat money printed in U.S. History was printed under the O'Biden Administration. That’s enough to collapse the dollar on its own. Add to that looming catastrophe the emergence of BRICS swallowing up half of the world’s GDP by 2040. Well maybe the U. S. will tighten its belt and continue to innovate with American exceptionalism.

Not so fast. That is where the O’Biden treason works it’s magic shilling for the NWO, According to Biden’s Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets signed over a year ago.

“Biden’s Administration places the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC.”

Meanwhile The flurry of activity towards global digital neo feudalism has been working overtime.

On November 8th 2023, The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation launched a campaign to put the world on the path to digital ID, digital payments, and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under a digital public infrastructure (DPI) by 2028. (source).

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) plans to implement “digital IDs” by the year 2030 globally. According to Reclaim the Net the IDs will be mandatory for those that want to participate in society.

The Sociable editor Tim Hinchliffe says “If successful, DPI will give governments and corporations the power to implement systems of social credit that can determine where and how you can travel, what you are allowed to consume, and how you will be able to transact with your programmable money.”

This is their God awful horrible plan. Based on climate pseudo science and unrelenting detached elitist hubris. Fueled by eugenics and Luciferian lunacy. A plan that will lead to a National divorce in the United States.Untold Global starvation. Massive uprisings. And ultimately, after great tribulation, the end of the decrepit elite slave master architects and their inheritors who started the whole pointless abomination in the first place.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 13, 2023 - Runtime: 6:56
Free Speech Murdered By Commie Campuses

Freedom of Assembly is a First Amendment right. Not a privilege for the beguiling left. Essentially, the left has captured this right for themselves and it is now being weaponized against the rest of us as we are hunted down.

On college campuses, the right to Freedom of Assembly and speech has been unconstitutionally shut down by Marxist educators and their brainwashed students, hell bent on China influenced totalitarianism.

It isn't political, it is the law. It is the obligation of The Department of Education to crack down on these blatant threats to free public discourse protected by our Constitution. But nothing is happening. Only private donors are reacting.

And this rot is exploding on the streets of America. While true patriots languish in the gulags of the O'biden Administration.

Wake up. Tyranny is winning. And if you are not sufficiently outraged and motivated. Then you are next in line.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 08, 2023 - Runtime: 9:33
China Has Already Brainwashed America

The Chinese Communist Regime and the biggest of the big banks are subjecting all remaining liberty minded countries to their will. Humanity is being logged and collected through technology to be placed under total control. China has created a Global A.I. Governance initiative to control World Tech.And the bought and paid for American Government has largely stood by and watched it all go down.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 06, 2023 - Runtime: 8:07
The Tri State City Tyranny

While America sleepwalks through the 2020 decade with a treasonous zombie criminal at the helm, China is flooding every inch of Earth with its rising dominance. The dollar is now openly regarded to be on life support. As Foreign Policy magazine reported, BRICS is likely to strip the dollar of its hegemony over global trade even if it doesn’t have a single currency.

BRICS currently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but will be joined by Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE this coming January. Estimated to represent nearly half of global GDP by 2040.

China has quietly taken control of larger portions of key global trade arteries including the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal. As a military power, China's navy is now the largest in the world. BRICS also expands control over the commodities and increases leverage in financial holdings.

Meanwhile, thousands of military aged Chinese men flood into the United States from Chinese camps in Panama.

China's Belt and Road initiative racing up through South and Central America is built on the back of a compromised U.S. President allowing nearly 8 million illegals, partly comprised of foreign military aged men and terrorists into the United States under his 3 year term. Dwarfing the amount that came in under two terms of Obama and one term of Donald Trump.

While Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum lays waste to the sovereignty of the Netherlands. As a Tri State City is built to serve as a hub to the New World Order's Great Reset agenda.

While more U.S. banks continue to fail. And the West is in a state of kinetic terror driven chaos. Once the dollar has been sufficiently diminished. Central Bank Digital Currencies will flood the Globe unleashing a totalitarian nightmare the world can barely imagine.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 03, 2023 - Runtime: 5:44
Jihad Set To Ignite In America

State sponsored terrorism is crossing our border.Sponsored by the United States, the United Nations, and Countries that traditionally sponsor terror.

Consider that 911 was committed by 20 terrorists. 20 terrorists equals only 0.00025% of Biden’s 7.8 million illegals. 20 terrorists = only 0.0012% of Biden’s 1.7 million known gotaways. more than 600,000 known gotaways at the border in fiscal year 2023.

The Biden Administration will be responsible for an unthinkable yet imminent Islamic conquest. A Jihad unleashed on American soil potentially replete with attacks on nuclear power plants, the power grids, chemical warfare, and unyielding carnage. Why else would millions of illegals suddenly be shuffling about the interior of the US with zero naturalization?

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 01, 2023 - Runtime: 7:04
MK Ultra Pawns For The Masses

Distractions and False Narratives, its the name of the Deep State game. What does the Maine shooter accomplish with his demonic acts, disappearance and alleged suicide other than the obvious? Not only had he locked down the State of Maine and neighboring areas of Canada. But he briefly put the national conversation on lockdown for citizens turning to mockingbird media for answers to questions regarding corruption and the corrosion of national security.

As the Pentagon intensifies WW3. The unanswered questions surrounding Biden's pay to play scheme ties to a $200,000 check and 2.75 million dollar purchase of his Rehobeth Beach Home. George Soros supports the pro Hamas movement worldwide, funneling more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests. And the CDC itself publishes a report revealing that 120,000 American children died suddenly after taking the covid jab.

We can only expect more bizarre incidents like the one in Lewiston, Maine to ramp up. Why was Robert Card outfitted after going to a military mental institution in the summer of 2023 with high powered hearing aids that his sister in law reported were telling him horrifying suggestions? Why would the FBI stop monitoring Card immediately after he threatened to shoot up the National Guard base in Maine? Why did it take the FBI 24 hours to go to Robert Card's house when the public bulletin came out revealing his home address just a few hours after he disappeared?

Card's body was found at the Maine Recycling Corporation directly across from where loud bangs had been reported shortly into the search. The Recycling center had been searched inadequately the night before.

The MK ULTRA program is well known. And there have been many mass shooters tied to it in recent history. And every time these possible MK ULTRA tied shooters point the narrative towards themselves it distracts from the Government's corruption. And within hours is followed by calls to confiscate American's guns protected by the Second Amendment.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 29, 2023 - Runtime: 6:32
Biden To Run Gun Stores Out Of Business

The day before the Lewiston, Maine massacre, Mother Jones ran a story on banning AR-15s. Within hours of the massacre involving n AR-15 in Lewiston, Maine Kamala Harris wanted our guns. Joe Biden seconded the tyranny the following day.

Reminder: The Second Amendment isn't about weapon type or caliber or hunting. It is about protecting American citizens from a tyrannical government. Has their ever been a more poignant time for the Second Amendment than right now?

But the O'Biden installation presses on, Reuters reported "The U.S. has stopped issuing export licenses for most civilian firearms and ammunition for 90 days for all non-governmental users, the Commerce Department said on Friday, citing national security and foreign policy interests. and that the "...risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate human rights, or fuel criminal activities." Exporters can continue to submit license requests during the pause, but they will be "held without action" until the pause is lifted. The Commerce Department declined to comment beyond the posting on its website.

Sure, not exporting guns and ammunition to our enemies makes sense. But their are layers to this. The edict creates a chilling effect on American gun shops as their primary source of revenue is exports. A loophole, ultimately designed to put scores of small business gun owners out of business. Sending a rippling effect among supporters of the Second Amendment and those simply utilizing their God given right to self defense.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 26, 2023 - Runtime: 18:32
Immigration Invasion Worse Than Previously Thought

It is far worse than anyone wants to realize. Not only is the border overwhelmed. We are witnessing a slow motion treasonous act of the highest order. Absolutely putting the lives of everyone in danger worldwide.

The establishment is reveling in their evil madness. As The Daily Caller reported "Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas honored Avideh Moussavian, chief of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service’s (USCIS) Office of Policy & Strategy, and her team for expanding legal processes for migrants to enter the U.S.. Moussavian tweeted in 2018, before she began her tenure with the Biden administration, the hashtag “abolishICE,” saying the agency was “misleading the public and making our workplaces less safe.”

The Biden administration credits Moussavian with helping implement humanitarian parole programs to admit migrants from Ukraine, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, her USCIS bio states.

“I think it’s apparent from the top on down that this is an administration filled with appointees that do not believe in the rule of law, and they don’t really care about the American people,” Rob Law, who is currently the director of America First Policy Institute’s Center for Homeland Security & Immigration, previously toldthe Daily Caller News Foundation of Moussavian.

The tide has turned as Democrats have been hit with the cold realization of the consequences they face due to their compliance with the United Nations cloward and piven deluge of human suffering.

America must now focus with total unyielding concentration on deporting millions of illegal immigrants. Even as our President foments more wars to reinforce the great distraction. America first isn't some throwaway political slogan. It is the difference between life and death.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 24, 2023 - Runtime: 12:48
The Real Insurrection

You may have noticed that any semblance of the definition of Democracy by the full blown Uniparty occupying the U.S. Capitol is a twisted merging of propaganda, gaslighting, and feigned incompetence. So when our three branches of government endures what would be described as an insurrection, the Country Club on Capitol Hill looks the other way. So that the emerging Marxist infiltration can continue forward.

As O'Biden's Banana Republic Administration continues to investigate losses that resulted from the breach of the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Claiming that the approximate losses suffered as a result of the siege at the Capitol totaled $2,881,360.20. Stating "that amount reflects, among other things, damage to the Capitol building and grounds and certain costs borne by the U.S. Capitol Police." The amount, A pitiful drop in the bucket compared to the estimated 2 billion dollars in damages, the most expensive in U.S. history according to insurance companies, that the left waged on middle America during the Saint George Floyd riots.

Merrick Garland's arbitrary yet vicious DOJ says " The Department of Justice’s resolve to hold accountable those who committed crimes on January 6, 2021, has not, and will not, wane." But everyone knows, including the DOJ, that history will ultimately reveal that January 6th was an elaborate trap setup by those that would destroy America and install Obama's puppet President Joe Biden.

1,069 defendants have been charged in nearly all 50 states. Four of those who have pleaded guilty to felonies have pleaded guilty to the federal charge of seditious conspiracy. Which is idiotic on its face. These patriots, many of them whose actions reflected reverence for Congress, would never overthrow their own government. They just wanted answers to an election that voted in a globalist pawn that campaigned from his basement and received more votes than President Obama in the wake of countless election tom foolery. The right to petition government for redress of grievances is the right to make a complaint to, or seek the assistance of, one's government, without fear of punishment or reprisals. It is the O'Biden DOJ that violated the law. It is a law that dates back to the Magna Carta, when humanity was tearing itself away from the totalitarian monarchy.

Approximately 935 defendants have been charged with entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds. Of those, 103 defendants have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon. More than 310 defendants have been charged with corruptly obstructing, influencing, or impeding an official proceeding, or attempting to do so. Approximately 55 defendants have been charged with conspiracy, either: (a) conspiracy to obstruct a congressional proceeding, (b) conspiracy to obstruct law enforcement during a civil disorder, (c) conspiracy to injure an officer, or (d) some combination of the three. Does any of that sound familiar regarding what we just witnessed as supporters of Palestine stormed the Capitol.

Doubling down on the tyranny, The Justice Department is appealing the length of prison sentences for four Proud Boys leaders convicted of seditious conspiracy in the U.S. Capitol attack. Apparently, 22 years wasn’t long enough for Afro-Cuban Proud Boys national leader Enrique Tarrio. Demonized as a white supremacist for merely giving a fuck about the future of the United States. A sentiment that is as phony as a 3 dollar bill when it comes from the left.

The Insurrection is very real. But it didn't occur on January 6th, 2021. It began on December 23, 1913 when President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. It has been ongoing ever since.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 20, 2023 - Runtime: 12:34
Hypersonic Missiles Poised To Rain Down

Russia and China are maneuvering their nuclear assets into key positions to mount an offensive. Stealth nuclear subs and hypersonic missiles capable of total annihilation are now pointed squarely at billions of innocents as the globalist psychopaths commit their black mass.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 18, 2023 - Runtime: 12:40
When Are We Gonna Focus On America?

We are Americans. When does our Country become the priority? As Black Lives Matter and the rest of the lunatic marxist left celebrate the demise of our birthright. As neglect riddled politicians take payouts to stab the American citizen in the back. As the borders are flooded with a United Nations engineered invasion that will purposely alter the future of the Country. Why are our tax dollars and priorities shifted to foreign entanglements? These are the words of the Father of the United States, George Washington, listen to them! He believed we should set an example to other nations “of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence.” To be this shining example, America must remain free from foreign entanglements.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 13, 2023 - Runtime: 7:04
Crowley Disciples Usher In The Fourth Reich

The establishment’s admiration for the Nazis all began even before Normandy was stormed.

As the Guardian reported in 2004, George W Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz.

Similarly, Sex Magician Aleister Crowley served as a spy for the British Government. But The beast fled his admirers from a debauched Weimar renaissance Berlin in 1932 Fleeing what would soon become Chancellor Hitler’s Germany. Oddly enough Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess was obsessed with Aleister Crowley. An occultic fascination that forever tied Crowley to the Third Reich.

After WW2. The Ratlines that sent the Nazis scurrying through the Vatican, Spain and South America landed them in safe harbor in the U.S. and Canada. One of these ratlines supplied Operation Paperclip that fueled NASA, the CIA, and the NSA.

Decades later. The synthesized occultic NAZI death culture flows through the U.S.from Hollywood to Washington D.C. in one way shape or form. Whether it’s DC insider John Podesta’s Spirit Cooking. Or President Biden’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities appointee Lady Gaga. The common thread is no talent poser artist and Crowley Thelemaist Marina Abromovic. While major hubs of Satanic sex trafficking rings are discovered implicating high ranking officials and American morals are diminished. The Illuminati Nazi death culture grows exponentially. In an article that would make Goebells beam with pride, The Washington Post suggested using black magic to summon demons against Trump supporters.

Meanwhile, the Church of Satan puts in their full support behind the Ukrainian war effort. Supporting an effort replete with shady biolabs and a major hub of child sex trafficking. As more and more Ukrainian soldiers are recorded conducting pagan blood rituals and celebrating their Nazi forefathers.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 11, 2023 - Runtime: 7:10
Ukraine's War On Our First Amendment

The United States authorized 113 Billion taxpayer dollars. So all of you still supporting the effort to fund a Neo Nazi child organ harvesting hub, what are your tax dollars really paying for?

Ukraine Spokestranny and American Sarah Ashton Carrillo exposed the true madness behind the Ukrainian totalitarian state.

While Zelensky has imprisoned Ukrainian Journalists and outlawed the Orthodox Religion. While not being shy about how he truly feels about the hand that feeds him.

But it doesn’t end with the Carillo Zelensky revelations. The New World Order wants all free speech eliminated so that their propaganda can wash over free speech like a polluted tsunami.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 10, 2023 - Runtime: 7:01
Prepare For U.S. Terror Attacks

In New York City, they are tossing U.S. war veterans into the street to house the invading hordes.

In Chicago, the locals have finally had enough from their Democrat overlords.

It is these blue city stronghold voices. Not the voices of the majority of America that temporarily moved the Biden Administration to finally halt the UN planned invasion into America. Meaning that it will continue if and when Biden is re-elected.

Meanwhile the carnage of pure chaos streams across our border. As yet another bus crash kills 18 migrants. Unchecked disease embeds itself into the heartland. As Tuberculosis skyrockets. Drugs flood in like a tsunami.

And the child trafficking network of drugged children used as cover for a myriad of criminal enterprises is totally neglected by the mockingbird media.

While thousands of possible terrorists flood into cities across America funded by the United Nations to sit and wait. Wait for what?

America, prepare for U.S. terror attacks. The writing is on the wall.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 07, 2023 - Runtime: 6:51
Biden's Iranian Handout Threatens National Security

A beast in the middle east has been unleashed as a spokesperson for Hamas declared that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood had begun and that they had decided "....to put an end to all the crimes of the occupation (Israel), their time for rampaging without being held accountable is over," As 5000 rockets were fired in a first strike within 20 minutes. As Hamas flooded into Israel taking hostages and murdering civilians as they went door to door.

The Deep state military industrial complex puppet Administration's quest to start wars all over the world has hit a new milestone.

In a move to outdo the criminal neglect waged on our military. Surpassing the foreign policy nightmare that launched Joe Biden's Presidency in Afghanistan. Unraveling President Trump's historic Abraham Accords that brought peace to the Middle East. Biden's Secretary of State Blinken authorized the inevitable. Unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian assets months before the convoluted Hamas attack on Israel.

And as the American border is overrun, we have known for a decade that the Lebanese Hezbollah network, an arm of Iranian terror, has positioned itself in Mexico with a massive arms stockpile. At this very moment establishing cells within the United States with their Mexican Cartel allies.

Meanwhile, Iran's parliament chants "Death to Israel Death to America!" a horrific outcome made possible by the billions of taxpayer dollars handed over to the Iranian regime by a Biden Administration that has become a danger to worldwide stability and a harbinger of the New World Order.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 04, 2023 - Runtime: 7:01
NWO Sets Its Sights On The Water Supply

The NWO just keeps doubling down. But the stakes have risen considerably. Now the globalist construct is openly, yet subtly and cowardly, threatening to alter the global water supply. Humanity is facing sabotage of our currency, food, and water supplies. Yet everyone carries on as if this isn't a red alert emergency. Do not be deceived. A handful of psychotic arrogant eugenicists are on course to wipe you out.

Jon Bowne Report - Oct 01, 2023 - Runtime: 7:10
Fauci And CIA Collude For Covid Genocide

Dr. Anthony Fauci was smuggled into CIA headquarters, “without a record of entry,” where he “participated in the analysis to ‘influence’ the Agency’s” Covid-19 investigation, according to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. The psyop is out in the open. A mass hypnosis submission that lead to the deaths and injuries of innocent lives.

Jon Bowne Report - Sep 29, 2023 - Runtime: 6:54
NWO C40 Cities To Enslave America

For those who have been indoctrinated in the climate change hoax. There are many reasons why you are just dead wrong. And even worse, you are being lead to slaughter by a Eugenics cult that has infiltrated our Federal, State, and local Governments.

So it is ultra important that we refuse to stop digging into the ruins and future of Lahaina, Maui. Because it is the bellwether for the rest of the United States.

But first a warning from the pre notice C40 Leadership group to the media that met on September 25th in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Note: Misleading social media posts have been circulating falsely asserting that the Hawaii Digital Government Summit, which is held in Honolulu each year, is aimed at transforming Maui into the first smart island. These claims are incorrect and do not align with the summit's annual focus. So what is the C40 City Group and why would they distance themselves from these claims?

According to their website. "C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a group of 96 cities represented by mayors around the world representing one twelfth of the world's population and one quarter of the global economy focused on fighting the climate crisis and driving urban action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions." Quietly plowing in the seeds of the UN AGENDA 2030 planning with the aid of Silicon Valley towards equity, digitization of the workplace, and exponential growth of a cloud based government. But you can't deny. Maui has been ground zero for smart city transformation for a long time by the State of Hawaii. According to the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization. Which is is Japan's largest public management organization promoting research and development as well as deployment of industrial, energy and environmental technologies. "The Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) was launched in the State of Hawaii in 2008 and the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) was formalized in 2009. The RPS target was set to 15% by 2015, 25% by 2020 and 40% by 2030. Later, the bill, House Bill 623 (HB623) set more ambitious goal of 30% RPS by 2020, 70% by 2040 and 100% by 2045."

Between 2011 and 2016, NEDO headed a smart community project called JUMPSmartMaui (JSM) held in the island of Maui, Hawaii, U.S. A smart community was constructed by Hawaiian and Japanese stakeholders.

NEDO explains "Smart community is a social system that integrates advanced environmental and energy technologies and provides citizens belonging to the community with sustainable, safe and secure society."

Meanwhile, the EPA with its notorious record of environmental sabotage is cleaning the crime scene. according to KITV4. Right now, federal, state and local officials remain in Phase 1 of the cleanup process following the fire devastation. Nine teams with The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been assigned by The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to search, remove and dispose of hazardous materials found in structures impacted by the fires. As of Thursday, September 21, the EPA cleared out 869 parcels out of the remaining 1,598 parcels on Maui. The EPA will work to clear the remaining residential parcels in the coming weeks. Officials say the 144 commercial parcels identified by the EPA will take longer to clear out. The EPA has already completed work in Kula and removed hazardous waste from 681 properties in total. Work continues now in Lahaina and Olinda, Maui. The EPA still needs to search 711 residential properties in Lahaina and 26 in Upcountry. Its no secret anymore. Contracts were signed to build high rise condos and businesses in Lahaina. But you can't build in a historical district. The historical city of Lahanai stood in the way of this globalist overreach.


Jon Bowne Report - Jan 02, 2023 - Runtime: 5:43
Dial In To Providence

The schemers of the great reset eugenics technocracy agenda have been dialing into the subconscious and conscious minds of its willing subjects for years. As their plans unfold and the horror becomes reality most people with any sense of individuality must ask themselves. Do I want to dial into this misery or dial into Providence? The choice is yours. “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson

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For Acts of Treason

And then add to this...
- Joe Biden -
- Hillary & Bill Clinton -
- George W. Bush -
etc, etc, etc....
