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Jon Bowne Report - Dec 31, 2021
The Documents That Lead To A Biowarfare Nightmare

Alex Jones and the crew at Infowars have been warning everyone for years. Detailing and interviewing the scholars, doctors, and scientists that have researched the globalist plan to enslave and reduce humanity by 80 percent. Now it has become abundantly apparent to the status quo,causing the Overton window to be expanded. Revealing to the masses, that what was once deemed conspiracy was fact all along.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 30, 2021
The True Covid Stats Kill The CDC Narrative

The numbers provided by the government's VAERS system are no longer debatable. If only a fraction of the deaths reported from the Covid Vaccines are true, than its still too many. The CDC is leading as many lemmings as they can off the cliff. While the information that their propaganda has desperately attempted to cover up has become widely available.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 26, 2021
Elite Child Sex Trafficking Ring Awareness Explodes

How many CNN employees does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None. Anything screwed by CNN employees is under investigation. And so it goes. The nauseating CNN story uncovered by Project Veritas opens up the visibility of a larger child trafficking ring that has been clumsily revealing itself due to its own vile arrogance. The Epstein Scandal has moved the spotlight of alternate pieces of the international sex trafficking industry due to a tidal wave of whistleblowers and victims coming forward.

As the parallels to Epstein are unavoidable in the twisted saga of Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard.

Slowly but surely, the elite's industrialized perverse acquired tastes feeding on children and teenagers will reach a turning point. As their straw house built on a system of blackmail in exchange for power burns like wildfire.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 17, 2021
The Hellish Humanitarian Crisis On The Border

A human trafficking epidemic continues to spiral out of control under the Cloward Piven strategy of the Biden Administration.

Meanwhile, residents of Yuma Arizona were horrified to witness thousands of immigrants roaming through their community. Networking gangs are cashing in on the lucrative human smuggling racket. While blue strongholds move to legalize the growing illegal immigrant voting block. Now Biden will issue ankle monitors and cellphones. Of course Trump had been branded as inhumane for using ankle monitors. Meanwhile Biden’s massive payout to immigrant families hit another snag.

And as 2 million illegals crossed our southern borders in 2021 into a United States riddled with skyrocketing inflation and record homicides in Sanctuary cities under Democratic leadership. Can the United States endure 3 more years of UN puppet Joe Biden’s destruction of American sovereignty.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 13, 2021
Assange Is All Of Us

As China’s arsenal of hypersonic weapons becomes more of an international threat as Chinese troops amass on the waters outside of Taiwan and the Atlantic coast of Africa. But If the Biden Administration can't even wind down the nearly 20 year Occupation of Afghanistan without military deaths and abandonment, wouldn't the nightmare scenario be a Biden bungling of world war?

And while Corporacratic Senators make reckless veiled threats like these.

The threat of preliminary cyber attacks to weaken military and nuclear infrastructure grows everyday.

It is times like these that the skills of Julian Assange are vital to leveling the playing field for a populous continuously kept in the dark by the planners of the pandemic, the Great Reset, and the gradual Infiltration of Chinese Communism undermining Western Civilization.

Instead, Julian Assange, the 50-year-old founder of Wikileaks, faces extradition from Britain to the United States after the U.S. government won an appeal in London’s High Court. Years after the incidents of hacking diplomatic cables, and the inner workings of the 2016 election and classified u.s. military atrocities.

Assange will face criminal charges including breaking a spying law and conspiring to hack government computers. Essentially doing what our leading investigative publications failed to do with the power of the free press. Assange was a weapon of the First Amendment wrestling the documents that forced transparency from a secretive military and political industrial complex hiding earth shattering revelations that effect all of humanity and the future of the Republic.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 12, 2021
The No Go Zone States Of America

As myocarditis and vaccine injuries mount in the wake of Covid Vaccine Tyranny. The stark reality of the sterilization of an entire generation begins to appear on the horizon of sovereign nations worldwide. Meanwhile, the Democrats do the bidding of their Bilderberg masters. Transforming the United States into a balkanized no go zone hellhole. As their pro crime movement accelerates and the economy is destroyed by design.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 08, 2021
Prepare Yourself The Economy Is Under Controlled Collapse

As Mises.org recently revealed. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that prices rose 6.2 percent on a year-over-year basis in October. The highest YOY rate since December 1990, when the Consumer Price Index was also up 6.2 percent.

The Producer Price Index for commodities in October was up 22.2 percent year over year, reaching a forty-eight-year high. In addition to the Consumer Price Index’s thirty-one-year high, home prices in the second quarter surged to near a forty-two-year high.

Meanwhile, average real weekly earnings have turned negative this year, as Americans struggle to afford basic necessities.

Yet, None of these stark economic realities kept Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen from goading on the race to the bottom.

And no one bats an eye. As Janet Yellen, agent provocateur of Klaus Schwabs Great Reset and The CFR’s Chinese Century steer America off a cliff.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 07, 2021
The January 6 Committee Fraud

Republican turncoat Liz Cheney recently announced that weeks of January 6th hearings are coming. As the establishment attempts to milk the events of that grim day to protect and embellish their power as Election 2022 approaches.

But the establishment has questions they need to answer. For instance, Will they be ignoring a recently uncovered document from the DOJ that said “It is objectively unreasonable to conclude that President Trump could authorize citizens to interfere with the Electoral College proceedings…”?

Not to mention where is the evidence of an online conspiracy of planned mass insurrection ?

And why have so many people remained imprisoned in inhumane conditions.

And of course why has January 6th been repeatedly deemed an insurrection when no one has been charged with insurrection?

Perhaps the people who truly belong in prison are the ones behind the hearing itself.

Jon Bowne Report - Aug 18, 2021
The Horror In Afghanistan Begins

The United Nations is extending an olive branch to an imagined newer, woker, female friendly Taliban.

And while the Taliban openly recruits on their Twitter feed online while many Americans including a former President have their First Amendment violated. And Countries come out of the woodwork to christen the shiny new terrorism hub.

The Taliban is beating and murdering women in the streets for not wearing a burka. And brutalizing children. You can't fix fundamentalist bad craziness.

Even to the casual observer. It is becoming increasingly serious. The United States doesn’t have a President. The Executive Office is being held hostage by Kissinger's New World Order Chinese Century globalist think tanks who are currently reaching the final stages of an invisible war against the United States after installing a senile shill so compromised that he has openly fit that description to a tee.

Rather than address a developing massive hostage situation and mass murder of Americans in Kabul that could potentially make Jimmy Carter’s 444 days of shame look like a walk in the park. Biden nonsensically blamed everyone but himself and then claimed that the buck stops with him. Either the buck stops with you or it doesn't. It can't be both.

A corrupt President that fails to assure the nation he supposedly leads with cogent information regarding the spiraling chaos of the greatest failure in U.S.Foreign policy history on his watch isn't excusable. It is extremely dangerous.

Jon Bowne Report - Aug 16, 2021
NBC Propaganda Says Americans Are Terrorists

According to NBC propaganda and DHS directives, if you oppose the state's draconian Covid measures to inject you with an experimental vaccine that has killed thousands of people and created a pandemic among the vaccinated. Yet is twisted to attack the unvaccinated who choose to rely on their own immune systems and science, then you are a domestic terrorist. If you dare to entertain the smorgasbord of evidence regarding overwhelming election fraud ignored by Congress, than you are a domestic terrorist. The First Amendment is on life support. Freedom is in chains. And a Great Reset New World Order that only offers mass death and subjugation is just a revolving segment on the NBC NIghtly News.

Jon Bowne Report - Aug 16, 2021
Resist Bio Medical Tyranny

We are absolutely under a bio medical tyranny. Under the umbrella of a constant diet of fear feeding the dystopian biomedical security state. It is the Stasi surveillance state on steroids. Where you will be required to show your papers via your smart phone which will become a global ID via a microchip within a surveillance state that has been carefully constructed to enslave a once free nation. The time is nigh for those with the political will and founding principles to step up before the United States is thrown into the dustbin of history.

Jon Bowne Report - Aug 13, 2021
American Parents Declare War

The battle is well underway. Parents and teachers are fed up with the tyranny of Critical Race Theory bigotry and covid misinformation driving a totalitarian wedge between their chosen profession and the future of America.

Loudon County, Virginia has become ground zero for liberal totalitarian outrage. Where parents were locked out in a thunderstorm while the petty tyrants inside pushed marxist and medical indoctrination on their children.

In a rare victory, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas Senator added an amendment to the budget resolution prohibiting federal funds from going towards Critical Race Theory. Democrat Joe Manchin joined Republicans in voting for the amendment , narrowly pushing the Amendment through.

The liberals will not rest until the United States returns back to a segregated hellscape that America has worked to escape for the past 50 years. It is a mainline source of their political power.

The source of American independence is resistance in the face of tyranny. Return back to your lairs tyrants. The Sleeping Giant is wide awake.

Jon Bowne Report - Aug 10, 2021
Covid Sheep Under Martial Law

The establishment of permanent martial law is accelerating as the sheep accept whatever their government masters implore them to do with soft persuasion. The sheep have become accustomed to accepting the order to inject themselves with an experimental therapeutic. Regardless that fully vaccinated countries are spiraling out of control with Covid hospitalizations of the vaccinated. And adverse reactions that include death continue to skyrocket.

Jon Bowne Report - Aug 01, 2021
Set The Political Prisoners Free

The real reason the Democrats don't want to investigate the evolution of the rioting that kicked off 7 years earlier with the riots in Ferguson Missouri that mutated into Marxist violence during Trump’s inauguration and exploded into 567 riots killing at least 25 people doing well over 2 billion dollars worth of damage and targeting federal, state, and local government buildings after the death of George Floyd. Greased by Cloward and Piven on our southern border, constant attacks on our Bill of Rights, and an apparent fraudulent election that no one in Congress would transparently explain eventually lead to the cause and effect response at the Capitol on January 6th. As concerned Americans were waved in by the Pelosi controlled Capitol Police, exhibiting their right to petition an unresponsive government for a redress of grievances. Baited into the false designation as insurrectionists by the mockingbird media.

And ultimately the Democrat’s are at least partially responsible. The Democrat’s never laid down the law we the people naively expected them to. Instead, following the lead of the United Nations Great Reset Agenda and political opportunists like Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton. Democrats abandoned their Constitutional duty and embraced the dark forces of their closeted bigotry and fanned the flames of political tyranny in their lust for power.

The fact is most of the political prisoners sitting in Biden's tomb like prison were waved into the U.S. Capitol that wasn't burned to the ground or destroyed from within. Because those so called insurrectionists were patriotic Americans that the Democratic Marxist regime had pushed too far. And everybody knows it.

Jon Bowne Report - Jul 26, 2021
China Nukes Rival United States

As World Net Daily reported " Peter Huessy of the Mitchell Institute has pointed out, “Just this deployment alone will provide China over one thousand new on-alert warheads—1,450—almost double the day-to-day U.S.A. on-alert force and by itself a nuclear force roughly equal to the entire current U.S. nuclear-deployed force of 1,490 sea- and land-based missile warheads.” The response of the Biden State Department didn't exactly breed confidence. Rather, it resembles submission.

Jon Bowne Report - Jul 23, 2021
The FBI's Suppression Of The Seth Rich Murder

It is no secret or revelation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has transformed from the top cop of the United States into an ongoing coverup operation for their political overlords. The latest debacle, which barely received any media attention, involved the cover up surrounding the mysterious death of DNC tech guru Seth Rich after hundreds of emails from Hillary Clinton and John Podesta set off a firestorm of controversy.

Five years after Seth Rich's mysterious death, the FBI quietly released 137 pages of heavily redacted documents detailing internal emails and memos of the FBI regarding their interest and investigation into Rich's death. These documents followed years of the FBI claiming they had no involvement or interest in the Seth Rich case. Why all of the secrecy and denial? What are they hiding? And do the newly released emails reveal anything?

Jon Bowne Report - Jul 19, 2021
The Biometric ID Endgame

Because a few are addicted to the narcotic of power like hopeless opium junkies the new normal dictates that freedom must be relegated to the dust bin of history.

But it isn’t merely a temporary tyranny. These lunatics are driving humanity towards the end game implementation of the biometric I.D. Enslavement plan war gamed 11 years ago by the Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep which has almost completely unfolded as it was written. The implementation of a full blown biometric ID system won’t merely address the fears of the COVID cult. It will enslave humanity in utilizing numerous levels of technocracy.

Jon Bowne Report - Jul 19, 2021
The Voting Scam Disaster

The Trump Derangement cult never got the help they desperately needed. Untreated mental illness can lead to brain damage. Ironically, the mass mental illness was rewarded with the installation of a brain damaged compromised puppet willing to say anything to catapult the Democrat’s bid towards one party rule and the transformation of America from a sovereign nation into a New World Order territory.

Biden’s army of liars are marching on. Pushing a voting agenda mired with half truths and intentional obfuscation.

But the Texas Democrats who fled the Lone Star state in direct violation of their responsibilities to do the work of the people were met with American providence in Washington D.C.

All fiveTexas Lawmakers were fully vaccinated from Covid. Meanwhile the horrible truth about actual voter suppression in blue states like Connecticut, New York, Rhode island and Biden’s home state of Delaware for example continue to be ignored. If the Jim Crow 2.0 argument is applied to their states where no early voting is allowed, All of the deceptive bluster over the Republican's voting bills that actually make voting more legitimate have revealed that Democrats oversee the most restrictive voting in America. And that’s exactly the way the Democrats want it.

Jon Bowne Report - Jul 12, 2021
Socialist Democrats Forge A Stasi

Formed in 1950 in East Germany and lasting 40 years. The Stasi was the official state security service. It was one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies that ever existed.They were known as the sword and the shield of the ruling Socialist Unity Party of Germany.

The expansion of the DC Capitol police wreaks of a Democratic overreach via a nationwide stasiesque force emboldened by the clear cold blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt by a still unconfirmed killer within the U.S. Capitol Police ranks.

Now Pelosi’s attack dogs are chomping at the bit to hunt down potential political prisoners that disagree with their overlords after upending the lives of at least 500 protesters merely exercising their First Amendment rights on January 6th. A stark contrast to the support of the rioting, burning, murdering, and looting of American businesses, police stations, and federal buildings that were decimated for months in end all in the name of the Democrat’s lies and fearmongering.

Jon Bowne Report - May 24, 2021
The Perfect Threat From Beyond

Henry Kissinger once said “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” ~ Henry Kissinger Former US Secretary of State.

And here America sits. Vulnerable from a pandemic subjugation that has terrorized our rights. Infiltrated by decades of Marxist indoctrination that began in America's Universities and has now permeated into America's Elementary schools. While our police are increasingly unable to respond to 911 calls as their departments are hollowed out as criminals pour over our border. The stage is set for Kissinger's United Nations troops to take center stage. But they need one event that will undeniably convince the public that their very existence is threatened.

Jon Bowne Report - May 24, 2021
Fauci's Wall Of Denial Is Crumbling

After flip flopping his story repeatedly. Sometimes defending the need for gain of function research in China and elsewhere. And then denying that any of the research took place. Research that could possibly add to Fauci's new identity as the Father of the Coronavirus. Dr. Fauci's power trip has now hit a wall. And rather than stand by the denial. Fauci is admitting that the origin of the virus should be investigated. An investigation that has been wiped clean by the Chinese government and the mockingbird media. Or has it?

Jon Bowne Report - May 23, 2021
Humans Are Quietly Going Extinct

It’s not the hostage situation of climate change, racial equality, or police reform. It isn’t merely a new coronavirus or nuclear war. This overlooked research makes all of those issues meaningless.

The end of human procreation is right around the bend with a target date of 2045 if human fertility continues its race to the bottom. Of course many would argue that stem cell research offers a way forward.

But a way forward for who? Stem cells are only available to the wealthy. All other classes would die off. Exactly as the authors of the Georgia Guidestones would have it.

This is the hidden hand. As humanity is distracted by Marxist indoctrination infiltration, mass starvation, bio warfare, and over 42.6M abortions conducted in 2020, surpassing the world's leading causes of death.

Humanity itself is slowly dying and barely anyone knows about it.

Jon Bowne Report - May 22, 2021
Extreme Racism Party Hijacks The Military

Facing long tours overseas, injury or death. New recruits entering one of the branches of the U.S. military could always maintain morale by knowing that they were protecting cherished freedoms. Namely the First Amendment.

Many of the protestors expressing the portion of the First Amendment on January 6th that the Country Club in Washington DC wasn’t prepared to represent. Included a Air Force vet who was killed in cold blood. They had Assembled and petitioned the government for a redress of grievances over a Presidential election that even today still shows instances of fraud. Only to be targeted by a commission to further politicize the expanding tyranny in the hill. Deeming patriotic Americans a violent white supremacist mob. While video reluctantly leaking out clearly shows the truth.

Meanwhile Biden’s new racial justice military lead by former Raytheon board member Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin only wants to further erode what makes the military tick.

The extremism steering committee overseen by Lloyd Austin’s senior advisor Bishop Garrison is designing a social media program that will continuously monitor soldiers for “concerning behavior”

You would think that this would violate the military’s first Amendment protections. However, taking a page from the immunity afforded Silicon Valley with Section 230. The military brass has found a loophole in order to circumvent those rights. Hiring a private surveillance firm to monitor soldiers who are risking their lives to combat the very totalitarianism they will now obey.

Jon Bowne Report - May 18, 2021
Even The CDC Won't Take Dr. Death's Jab!

How much more proof do you need? From the foolish and bamboozling mouth of Dr. "Death" Fauci himself! They have admitted that the majority of the NIH doctors and CDC employees setting the policies for the rest of us to take their dangerous and failed vaccine rollout will themselves, not take the vaccine shots. Meanwhile, globally the vaccines are being dumped down the memory hole while Americans continue to fall for the tyranny. This is biological terrorism on an unprecedented scale.

Jon Bowne Report - May 17, 2021
Where The Votes Really Went
The uncovering of the election fraud ruse is alive and well. The voting machines are coughing up the truth as massive discrepancies are revealed through the hard work of those that never gave up. Battling the voting machine companies. The lies of the Biden sycophants. The censorship of Silicon Valley. And the propaganda declaring that there is nothing to see here....move along. America cannot look away from the dumpster fire of election fraud being revealed in several states across the country.

Jon Bowne Report - May 17, 2021
U.S. Homicides Are Through The Roof

The slashing of police budgets is translating to hackings across the nation. Police and public reported data details that from January through March of 2021, the homicide rate rose by 28% from the same period last year in 20 major cities across the country. Homicides had already previously risen by 30% in 2020.

Cities that followed the Marxist demand to dramatically defund police department budgets saw homicides rise by 68%. And they already regret it. After the Los Angeles City Council voted to hack $150 million from the police budget. And gullible voters approved a measure to devote 10% of the city’s budget to nonpolice public safety projects. A year later, Mayor Garcetti and a panicked Los Angeles County officials unanimously voted to flood police funding by $36 million.

After Portland, Oregon cut $16 million from their Police Budget, the homicide rate skyrocketed 1,900% in 2021 after 20 killings compared to just one during the beginning of 2020. The Soros infiltrated City Council destroying Austin, Texas, cut $20 million, or 23%, from its department budget and moved $80 million by shifting services to other departments. Resulting in a escalation of attacks and fires by the homeless. And a 35% rise in homicides.

Philadelphia cut police funding by $33 million, and homicides rose 25% in early 2021. Minneapolis, inundated with BLM and Antifa occupation, homicides jumped 46% after the city council cut the police department’s budget by more than $9 million.

While in the ignored gun free war zones of Chicago, Illinois 956 people were shot in the first four months of 2021. 217 more than in 2020. Setting a nightmarish record.

Meanwhile the Democrats aren't satisfied with the carnage. Promoting unconstitutional red flag laws that will only benefit psychopaths, gangs,and cartels. Criminals who can get a gun as easily as Biden can rig an election. As good people stand by and do nothing. America continues to twist in the wind.

Jon Bowne Report - May 17, 2021
Chronic Homeless Invasion Courtesy Of Globalism

Austin, Texas is a microcosm for the progressive policies pretending to be targeting homelessness. Goaded on by the propaganda of the Austin American Statesman. Austin's City Council has predictably ignored the will of angered taxpayers. Taxpayers that voted overwhelmingly on a Proposition that would remove the skid row californification of a once thriving downtown. A once thriving destination that has been transformed from the Live Music Capitol of the world to a Homeless Industrial Complex replete with a groundhog day rash of machete fights, tent fires, and rampant drug use.

Chronic homelessness has increased by 15 percent in 2019 and 2020. A byproduct of the crisis caused by the massive closure of State psychiatric facilities that exponentially increased in 2005. As 3.4 percent of Americans — more than 8 million people — suffer from serious psychological problems. But rather than listen to their constituents desperate concerns to deal with the problem compassionately and rationally. The City Council is secretly buying up hotels with millions of taxpayer and federal dollars to house chronic homelessness in residential areas that will attract thousands of homeless from out of state. Ruining business, raising property taxes, and threatening lives.

Two important questions lurk behind the facade of the Austin City Councils feigned incompetence. The first is...Where is all of the money REALLY going? Until we have a full audit of there is no way to tell. And the second question involves Mayor Steve Adler's membership in the 30,000 strong organization known as the United States Conference of Mayors. Which has recently adopted liberal globalist policies on everything from immigration to covid to homelessness while asking for billions in aid. Policies extending the United Nation's Great Reset right into your backyard.

Jon Bowne Report - May 13, 2021
DHS And AG Target Patriots

The Hill had a big sit down in both chambers. They had to get to the bottom of the radical domestic terrorism sweeping the country.

No not that radicalism. Black Lives Matter and Antifa firing guns into innocent citizens cars is the new peaceful protest.

No not the overwhelming black on Asian hate crimes. They are still trying to brand that as white supremacy.

No, Congress and the Intelligence Community have had their sights set on a scourge threatening their precious Corpracratic Country Club for decades. Patriotic Americans.

As Minority report becomes a reality. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plans to launch a warning system to detect “domestic terrorism” threats by gathering and analyzing intelligence on public social media posts and making predictions on future actions.

The purpose of the system is to detect the sort of posts that allegedly proceeded the breach of the US Capitol on January 6. Law enforcement agencies were criticized for ignoring or missing the posts.

The official also said that, for now, the DHS is using human data analysts, not computer algorithms, to analyze public social media posts. “We’re not looking at who are the individual posters,” said a senior official involved in the effort said to NBC News. “We are looking at what narratives are resonating and spreading across platforms. From there you may be able to determine what are the potential targets you need to protect.”

Free speech itself has become a political prisoner.

Jon Bowne Report - May 11, 2021
The Gas Shortage Is By Design

The massive national transformation towards energy independence that America finally achieved in 2020. Which would have shifted America first exceptionalism into overdrive is being dismantled.

Up until 2020, the United States had imported more petroleum which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other products than it had exported.

Baby boomers and older generations remember the double whammy oil crisis of 1973 and 1979. It was a wake up call that America’s dependence on foreign oil meant our national security wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. And that the bounty of American oil had to be tapped.

Now the power is being turned off under the installed and illegitimate New World Order stooge Joe Biden. But this time it isn’t Saudi Arabia quadrupling the price of a barrel of oil due to support over the Yom Kippur War. This time it’s a combination of intentional horrible leadership. Cyber attacks. And the UN’s Agenda 2030 with a motive bigger than Dallas.

As prices continue to skyrocket, the summer of 2021 is shaping up to potentially be a food, energy, and riotous hell on Earth.

By foolishly eliminating fossil fuels decades before any alternative energy has been tested and gradually integrated. Is not like simply putting the cart before the horse. It’s more akin to shooting the horse.

Jon Bowne Report - May 10, 2021
The Age Of Bio Terror Beckons

Bio warfare is becoming the new normal. What the world endured over the past year was just the beginning. Chinese documents reveal a sinister plan to use bio weapons to acheive the Chinese Communist goals of a New World Order. Chinese President XI is the most powerful and influential person on Planet Earth. There is no time left to squabble amongst ourselves. All Americans must come together and prepare for what is coming before it is taken from us and we all experience modern day slavery and genocide.

Jon Bowne Report - May 10, 2021
Biden: Dementia's Dictator

Enough already. Joe Biden's dementia and his insistence on putting globalism first will destroy America. The economy is already tanking. Prices on everything are skyrocketing as inflation runs rampant. While China, the greatest threat to America, continues to use the Oval Office as if it were there own. How much longer can this go on? The 25th Amendment must be taken seriously before we reach the point of no return.

Jon Bowne Report - May 10, 2021
China Inches Closer To World Domination

The Coronavirus was merely a shot across the bow. The Chinese won’t play by the standard rules of warfare until western civilization has been essentially prepped for invasion.

According to the confidential briefing obtained by the Sydney Morning Herald . Australian Defense Force (ADF) adviser Major-General Adam Findlay said last year that China was already engaged in “grey zone” warfare.

Findlay went on to explain that China has “game planned” strategies to circumvent traditional military red lines to avoid direct conflict, and so is utilizing more subtle and unconventional forms of attack.

Jon Bowne Report - May 10, 2021
WW3 Is A Chinese Bioweapon

While gullible Americans fight a war with each other based on lies. And those lies poison the Democratic process that is coming apart at the seams.

Covid 19, Dr. Fauci's gain of function research biological weapon was just the beginning.

According to a document obtained by the US State Department and first reported by the investigative journalism of the Australian. 18 Chinese People's Liberation Army scientists and health officials examined the weaponisation of SARS viruses five years before the COVID-19 pandemic. Predicting a third world war would be fought with biological weapons.

In an update to the document in 2018 published in numerous international publications. The military scientists had found four new pathogens and ten new bacteria while 'more than 1,640 new viruses were discovered using metagenomics technology'.The document claims that bioweapons will be 'the core weapon for victory' in a third world war. And then goes on to lay out the ideal conditions to release a bioweapon and cause maximum damage.

Stating that the bio weapons should be released at night, or at dawn, dusk, or under cloudy weather, with 'a stable wind direction...so that the aerosol can float into the target area'. Resulting in a surge of hospital treatment, causing the enemy's medical system to collapse'. An exhausted medical system already tested under Covid 19 and ultimately overseen by the World Health Organization Chinese ally.

Jon Bowne Report - May 05, 2021
Zuckerberg Hates America

Mark Zuckerberg hates America. He despises the Country that nurtured his ability to make 12 million dollars every day of the year by monopolizing America's First Amendment in order to lure people to share their private lives to the world and low level hackers. Compromising the private information of over 500 million users. "The exposed data includes the personal information of over 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries, including over 32 million records on users in the US..... It includes their phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, locations, birthdates, bios, and, in some cases, email addresses." according to Business Insider. Serving a black market where sharing family pictures leads to your child's college savings being wiped out.

Through numerous hearings Zuckerberg has presented himself as a conscientious crusader protecting the pseudo values of the digitally distracted millennial generation.

But Zuckerberg is merely a cog in the New world Order elitist cabal's wheel whose unchecked avarice has revealed truly dark intentions as he rapes the ancestral land of Hawaii's oldest island, Kauai.

And as Zuckerberg foolishly taunts the curse of Hawaii's ancestors. Facebook, in league with the treasonous mockingbird media vomit out propaganda against a former President of the United States as NBC writes "Trump's Facebook account should never be reinstated because we know what he'd use it for. The former president used social media as a propaganda tool to try to undermine American democracy. Of course he'd do so again if given the opportunity." NBC's headline ironically undermines American Democracy. Forbidding the use of a former President's First Amendment rights is treasonous. But NBC continues to stomp its boot on America's face forever stating "On Wednesday, Facebook's Oversight Board will announce whether former President Donald Trump will once again be allowed to post on that company's platforms — which include both Facebook and Instagram. The company first took down a video and post from Trump, then suspended the then-president's accounts for 24 hours on Jan. 6. CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote the next day that "the risks of allowing the president to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great," in concert with an indefinite suspension.

No Zuckerberg. The risks of allowing you and the neo Marxism in Silicon Valley to continue its destruction of our Republic and its founding principles are simply too great. Countless Americans faced certain death for those principles and by the grace of God were victorious. Its not too much to ask that Americans delete their Facebook accounts if they haven't already.

Jon Bowne Report - May 03, 2021
The Great American Mask Panic

There have been stabbings. There have been shootings. There have been totalitarian warnings from the petty tyrants grasping for the ring of power. The great American mask panic has even gripped the fragile mind of Joe BIden as he attempts to wield the power of the symbolism of the mask over the masses.

While the mask itself has long been exposed as a fraud.

Now more than a year after its implementation by a confused CDC and their overlords at the World Health Organization. Normalcy is slowly returning to a populous burned out on the tyrannical message from the covid zealots. Only to be ratcheted right back up with the gradual employment of mandatory vaccine passports and never ending vaccine booster shots.

The tyranny will only end when the covid fables are fully exposed and those in power are voted out for aiding and abetting the dangerous and treasonous United Nations deception known as the Great Reset.

Jon Bowne Report - May 03, 2021
Non President Spirals Country Into Distress

It has been a long week for old Joe. Who miraculously ended his week with an embarrassing dementia riddled breakdown of the Administration's inevitable mishandling of Amtrak. Over the weekend BIden restricted travel from India effective May 4 over a Covid surge. While canceling the military funded border walls contracts so that Covid floods directly over our southern border and is shipped into largely unknown communities nationwide courtesy of U.S. tax dollars. As the NSA reported, "Estimates are that between 5% and 50% of the persons crossing without documentation are COVID positive."

America is twisting in the wind. Fronted by weekend at Bernies understudy Joe Biden. Biden promised unity. But Jen Psaki just corrected that misunderstanding. And after the CDC changed course by accepting common sense and allowing the sheep to go maskless in the great outdoors. NWO tyranny puppet Biden has been told that the show must go on.

Election fraud Fatigue, low energy, and arrogance are in control now. As America is taunted with Andrew Cuomo now leading weekly COVID-19 advisory calls with the nation's governor after causing roughly 15,000 nursing home deaths. Hunter Biden, whose treasonous laptop scandal of Ukrainian and Chinese pay to play was whitewashed by mainstream media and Silicon Valley will literally lecture at Tulane on "fake news" While James Comey will teach"ethical leadership" at William & Mary. And serial rapist and Jeffrey Epstein cohort Bill Clinton will educate the sheep on "empowering women worldwide."

Operating on incompetence, hubris and power, the BIden Administration public relations plan is to demean and insult your intelligence into submission. Good luck with that.

Jon Bowne Report - May 03, 2021
The Depopulation Weapon Exposed

The crimes of globalism are pouring in from every direction. Every dam protecting liberties, human rights, and the rule of law has burst. Many have become guinea pigs and submitted their will to a hierarchy of elite assassins posing as their saviors. And after more than 100 million arms have been pricked with the mrna vaccines. More is not being done to expose what scientists have discovered about Covid-19. "The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness. Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease." A vascular rather than a respiratory disease. Meaning that a spike protein in Covid 19 is doing far more damage to human tissue than was previously accepted as fact. Exactly what many experts revealed on Infowars. While for years, the documents detailing what was to come had been warning those with the fortitude and self preservation to listen.

Jon Bowne Report - May 01, 2021
The Fauci Gain Of Function Research Bombshell

Joe Rogan has been persecuted for thinking freely and asking questions about the Covid vaccine and its intended use on healthy children and adults. The questioning opened up a pandora's box surrounding Dr. Fauci's go it alone gain of function research strategy that leads to the Wuhan lab in China. As the obvious information that Infowars brought you a year comes to fruition. The weaponized virus escaped a lab. It's rollout was mismanaged by Dr. Fauci who knows more than he will reveal. And it is being used as the Trojan Horse for the United Nation's Great Reset Agenda to depopulate and de industrialize humanity.

Jon Bowne Report - Apr 26, 2021
The Great Reset Is Failing

The Great Reset is backfiring due to the deluge of reports highlighting the bizarre adverse effects of the Coronavirus vaccine. The engineers of the domination of humanity via a seemingly sudden eugenics movement are not strong enough to follow through politically, physically, or mentally with the horror it would take to complete their mission. And enough of the people are not willing to be their guinea pigs. The carnage has triggered a massive awakening. And the data is turning the tide.

Jon Bowne Report - Apr 26, 2021
The Mask Is Almost Entirely Off

The time to prepare yourself is now. It has never been more obvious. The documents, manuals, and blueprints are available to those who have removed the blinders. And it is the deeds by the overreaching establishment that will lead humanity to the next awakening. Because once the mask is completely torn off. The tyranny will be naked in the noon day sun. And then a choice will have to be made by even the meekest among us. There is an inevitable renaissance that follows the tyranny we all face. God's grace be upon you.

Jon Bowne Report - Apr 26, 2021
The Dawn Of Climate Tyranny

Just when you thought millionaire social justice warrior grifters warping reality with fiction in order to burn down your neighborhood were a huge drain on Western Civilization.

We are now faced with the left’s prospect of an army of climate justice warriors careening the world into a potential dark age lorded over by Neo Feudalism while draining billions from the coffers of a fiat money system on the brink of collapse. And of course self proclaimed doctor and all knowing scientist Bill Gates. Who has proposed blocking out all source of life on planet Earth, the sun, is leading the way.

Project Veritas recently exposed CNN's complete disclosure of its inner workings as a raw propaganda network. And as CNN's ratings plummet. One revelation from the Veritas investigation stands out.

The fleecing by stealth is disguised as infrastructure. A piecemeal battering ram of the democratic dismantling of America's energy grid.

And even though in a March 2021 Gallup poll asking "What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?" only 2% of Americans responded with "Environment/Pollution/Climate change".

An underhanded network of United Nations Climate Mayors flush with Biden's transfer of wealth will implement Agenda 2030 on the all important local level while America sleeps.

Sure, our planet needs attention. There is no debate about that. But the left's climate movement is a manufactured endgame for a New World Order. Complete with countless manuals for its implementation amongst the sociopathic political elite and their overlords. It is up to the rest of us to wrestle away the pressing issues of the future of our planet and our species to real science, logic, and the will of the people.

Jon Bowne Report - Apr 26, 2021
Your Speech Does Not Belong To Anyone

The slow decay of individual identity and the cancer of guilt in a society losing its grip on free speech is spiral out of control. You may recall when Leaders in the House of Representatives announced a rules package for the 117th Congress that includes a proposal to use “gender-inclusive language” and eliminate gendered terms such as “‘father, mother, son, daughter,” and more.

Now The Biden Administration, in all its lunacy has decided that Instead of “illegal aliens,” which was still being used by some government officials in press releases and elsewhere, the employees of CBP and ICE should instead use “undocumented noncitizen” or “undocumented individual,” according to the memos.” According the Washington Times. The term alien has been used in the United States at least since the alien and sedition act of 1798. And as the dictionary gets smaller. According to the word police over at thesaurus.com. You can no longer refer to your iguana or your goldfish as your spirit animal due to cultural appropriation. Because only native Americans have a soul and a connection to the universe apparently.

Throwing the term Guru around is now highly offensive to Buddhists and Hindus. The same goes for Ninja,Nazi,and Sherpa. Because we aren’t taking their origins serious enough.

And forget about binge watching Netflix. Bingeing is highly offensive to people with serious eating disorders and no respect for themselves.

If they can police the words you use. Then they can change way you think. And if we let this happen. Eventually the word freedom will be on the chopping block.

Jon Bowne Report - Apr 25, 2021
Officer Sicknick Betrayed By Power

It is an astounding example of propaganda waged on the American people originating with the U.S. Capitol Police Department in order to foment a false narrative for the power hungry cowards of the U.S. Congress.

On January 6th, Brian Sicknick, a Capitol Police Officer texted his brother twice after being hit with pepper spray after the protest at the U.S. Capitol. Telling him he was in good shape. But sometime after 10 pm Sicknick collapsed and was taken to a D.C. Hospital where he was put on a ventilator after suffering from a stroke and a blood clot. Around 9:30 pm on January 7th Sicknick died. Immediately. the USCP released a statement claiming SIcknick died due to injuries sustained while on duty. Saying Sicknick “was injured while physically engaging with protesters” and that he “was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.”

Then the fourth estate got to work. Turning Sicknick into a martyr for the Democrat's big lie. The New York Times began the onslaught of lies, falsely reporting that Sicknick had died after being struck by a fire extinguisher. The propaganda floodgates had been opened.

On March 14th Julian Elie Khater, 32, of Pennsylvania, and George Pierre Tanios, 39, of West Virginia, were charged with assaulting Sicknick with a substance similar to bear spray. But unlike the still unknown Capitol Police officer who had all charges dropped that killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood without a vocal warning or even a warning shot. Khater and Tanios were awaiting the results of the Medical Examiner to see if they would be charged with Sicknick's death.

On April 19, 2021, over three months after the autopsy, the office of the chief medical examiner of the District of Columbia, Francisco J. Diaz, released its report, concluding that the manner of death was natural and that the manner of death was due to two strokes and a blood clot "acute brainstem and cerebellar infarcts due to acute basilar arterythrombosis" Diaz then told the Washington Post that there was no evidence that Sicknick had an allergic reaction to chemicals or was otherwise injured, and that "all that transpired played a role in his condition".

And now as the Washington Examiner reports "Sen. Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, on Thursday sent a letter to acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman, contending the determination from Chief Medical Officer Francisco Diaz, who told the Washington Examiner last week that Sicknick’s cause of death was a stroke, “raises more questions about what USCP knew and what actions USCP took to confirm certain facts regarding Officer Sicknick’s death before it released its Jan. 7 statement.”

The massive coverup by the those that cowered and hid behind their lies rather than face their constituents is a prime example of the rot at the core of our Republic.

Jon Bowne Report - Apr 22, 2021
Ominous Border Numbers Pour In

President Trump repeated the cold hard truth threatening America’s survival that the psychotic left has turned into a mindless racist rallying cry.

And the numbers are staggering. When it comes to the seizure of drugs by border patrol so far in 2021. Methamphetamine seizures in 2021 are already at 91,031 compared to 85,348 in all of 2018. While cocaine and fentanyl are on pace to set new records.

And worst of all, those meaning to do all of us harm whether you be an illegal alien, legalized resident, or natural born U.S. Citizen. These aren’t the political talking points shoved down your throat by the Corporacratic propaganda media. As the establishment moves to strip Americans of their right to defend themselves. Statistically Americans live in a separate reality. Americans use their firearms defensively between 500,000 and 3 million times each year. And we need them now more than ever.

Jon Bowne Report - Apr 19, 2021
The Democrats Want Civil War

The divide and conquer strategy to undermine and take down America has become such an ordinary talking point for the Democratic party. It has become synonymous with the Party itself. As Mad Maxine Waters designates herself a General on the frontlines of the riotous protests guided by propaganda and politics. Fomenting a Civil War out of thin air in a mad bid for power.

Jon Bowne Report - Apr 18, 2021
Mad Maxine Read The Riot Act

Instead of the Establishment sending their associates to the border they are instead aiding and abetting the future destruction and death toll in Minneapolis and other major cities that are on a razors edge. Of course the worst of these is Maxine Waters who got away with promoting violence against those that don't share her views.

Now Waters has descended upon the volatile streets of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Violating 18 U.S. Code 2101. But the hubris is strong with Maxwell. And instead of correcting the clear violation of 18 U.S. Code 2101in the event that Derek Chauvin is acquitted in the death of George Floyd. Maxwell has doubled down with her co conspirators at CNN and propaganda minion Jim Acosta.

Now the hundreds of businesses in the Twin Cities that have already endured well over 55 million dollars in damages as they try to claw their way out of a pandemic prepare for the worst yet again. For an onslaught that will send many into bankruptcy. Some may even be killed. As a result of the unchecked madness of California Representative and Chair of the House Financial Services Committee Maxine Waters. The call for impeachment should be swift. And her downfall should be followed with criminal charges. But I highly doubt it will.

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For Acts of Treason

And then add to this...
- Joe Biden -
- Hillary & Bill Clinton -
- George W. Bush -
etc, etc, etc....
