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Jon Bowne Report - Dec 26, 2022 - Runtime: 5:54
Miscarriage Of Statistics

The numbers don't lie. But the mainstream media does through omission. And the Pharmaceutical companie's Doctors continue to gaslight and put the public at risk. We are living in a critical time when propaganda has overloaded reality. When questioning the narrative is threatened. When children's lives are at stake. This miscarriage of the truth within the statistics must reach its final outcome soon.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 21, 2022 - Runtime: 5:40
Illegals Pouring Out Of El Paso Manholes

It has been occurring for years. A hidden invasion funded by American tax dollars. Rewarding the Mexican Drug Cartels trafficking operations. Today, under the United Nations and World Economic Forum's puppet President, the UN's replacement migration is in full beast mode. The United States southern border has been essentially rendered no longer operational. Your U.S. Citizenship will soon be null and void.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 19, 2022 - Runtime: 5:27
Where Did The Flu Go?

The BIden Administration continues to double and even triple down on the lie that the Covid Vaccines are safe and effective after the vaccines have caused countless deaths and injuries reported worldwide. On top of that glaring omission is the sudden disappearance of the 40 million seasonal flu cases that essentially vanished. While Biden officials admitted to counting any and everything as a Covid death in order to market the Covid Vaccines.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 14, 2022 - Runtime: 6:04
PREPARE: The NWO Wants Nuclear Annihilation

The New World Order, whether people want to believe it exists or not, has documented its coming extermination of the human race for decades. A force that has subverted itself into every aspect of our existence. And as the Architects push humanity towards global enslavement they must cull our numbers. That is why we are on the edge of nuclear war with Russia. That is why we are being lead down this eugenics path as the corruption in Ukraine in league with our Federal Establishment leads the way. Everything we are being told by the mockingbird media is an absolute lie.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 13, 2022 - Runtime: 6:19
The Extinction Of Humanity Ignored

Humanity is on a collision course with a horrific end. If the common people of the world continue to stall and allow the elite technocratic eugenicists to promote their psychotic agenda. While ignoring the actions of the actual forerunners of doom controlled by these Corporate Elite and their tentacles in Government affecting our daily lives.

The World Economic Forum is pushing for a Global ID by 2026 fueled by blaming the average citizen for their carbon footprint. Yet, not a word from the Bilderberg attending industries that continue to produce Endocrine system hormone blockers within phthalates and bisphenol-A, in plastics to pesticides in our food, to shampoo, to receipts, to water bottles, to electronics, from cleaning products and carpets. Regardless of the fact that the chemicals from these industries could wipe out the human race by 2045. As, leading reproductive epidemiologist Shanna Swan and her team of researchers found that during the past 40 years, sperm levels among men in Western countries had more than halved, and could deplete to zero by 2045 due to the toxicity of plastics.

Furthermore, In a recent study, it was observed that the Y chromosome found in the male species is degenerating and will eventually disappear. Leading scientists to hypothesize that a new male chromosome will eventually replace the Y chromosome. Meanwhile the replacement for the labor of mankind is here. As a turning point has been reached in robotic AI technology allowing robots to see objects of varying shapes and sizes and adjust their grasp accordingly. This will rapidly replace millions of workers.

Meanwhile the attempts to bolster their loathsome eugenicist culture among the masses continues with little pushback. Promoting cannibalism as a food alternative, as the Human Meat Project seeks to promote consuming its donors. Ignoring the degenerative brain diseases transmitted through cannibalism, not to mention the effect this would have on society. Yet the HMP website actually claims that the word ‘cannibal’ is an indirect ethnic slur.

Meanwhile World Economic Forum tainted areas lead the way on pushing people to commit suicide for merely being a burden on the state.

All of these major crisis that face the future of humanity are tacitly collected under the net of the New World Order by its assets in the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. Rather than allow the populous to properly face their fate, The architects protecting global corporate interests pose as our saviors. Projecting steadfast organization while rapidly fomenting order out of chaos . Humanity must respond to the New World Order dogma or vanish under the boot of the coming totalitarianism.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 09, 2022 - Runtime: 9:00
Sleepwalking Into Armageddon

The ambient tyranny has been cranked up. We are sleepwalking into Armageddon. Meanwhile, scientists worldwide have exhausted the evidence revealing vaccine injuries, infertility, myocarditis, blood clots, spike proteins, and a host of other data covered up by big pharma and the mockingbird media. Pushing the outrage into overdrive as the world realizes the horrible truth. Yet nothing has been done after millions have needlessly been exterminated.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 05, 2022 - Runtime: 6:14
Fired Twitter Executives Have Committed Treason!

Matt Taibbi deciphered the cracking open of the Twitter vault by describing the contents. And while the left whines out another distraction about Taibbi catering to the richest man in the world.What did those files reveal about the inner workings of as Taibbi described a “ Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.”?

By 2020, requests from the New World Order disciples to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: “More to review from the Biden team.” The reply would come back: “Handled.”

Twitter was acting as a wrecking ball of political tech censorship catering to the corrupt NWO Washington establishment directly impacting and propagandizing the town square and general welfare of the United States whose life blood is protected by the power and freedom of the First Amendment.

Taibbi points out that “Both parties had access to these tools. For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored. But the overwhelming amount of leftist Marxist cucks staffed at twitter ensured that Democrat Party requests took the front burner. A fact Backed up by the overall donations by Twitter to the Democrat Party reaching 99.73% or $165,969 to Democrats while $451 went to Republicans in 2022.

What does appear to be illegal to the point of treason is that a false narrative of possible foreign hacks being behind the Biden laptop debacle was manufactured by Silicon Valley, the media, and the DNC. According to internal emails, There was zero evidence of foreign interference occurring. What did occur was a meltdown of internal Twitter censorship spear headed by top Twitter management. Ultimately burying a story under false pretenses in order to sway popular opinion and alter the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election.

In retrospect we know that as the New York Post reported “Nearly four of five Americans who’ve been following the Hunter Biden laptop scandal believe that “truthful” coverage would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll.

A similar percentage also said they’re convinced that information on the computer is real, with just 11% saying they thought it was “created by Russia,” according to the survey conducted by the New Jersey-based Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics.

And an even higher number — 81% — said US Attorney General Merrick Garland should appoint a special counsel to investigate matters related to the first son’s infamous laptop, the existence of which was exclusively revealed by The Post in October 2020.

Not only have Twitter employees like head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde and Trust and safety chief Yoel Roth proven that they willingly hacked the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. But they have demonstrated that Silicon Valley, the mockingbird media and the corruption in Washington is an occupying force and a direct threat to the stability and future of the United States of America.

Jon Bowne Report - Dec 02, 2022 - Runtime: 6:05
The UN And The CIA Want Your Free Speech

The United Nations, a playground for the Global Elite adherents of the New World Order to create the illusion of a meeting place of the world mind to do humanitarian work is now laser focused on the destruction of Free Speech. The road to totalitarianism must be paved with the destruction of any and all free thinkers. The Biden Administration is diligently forcing a foothold to bypass the unalienable rights of the First Amendment to appease the United Nations. Meanwhile, Elon Musk has dropped a veritable hand grenade into the Agenda 2030 narrative. And a battle between the human rights and the corporations, the tech industry, the White House, and all sycophants to the New World Order is about to go hot.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 28, 2022 - Runtime: 6:02
LOCKSTEP PHASE 2 New World Order Going Loud: Animals React

We are inundated with propaganda fabricating one engineered New World Order crisis directive after another. And as the Mockingbird media sets the bait while preening itself with million dollar salaries feeding a smoldering American culture Hegelian Dialectic talking points. Ordinary humans continue to ask far more intriguing questions that will never be asked or answered in prime time for fear of being labeled a conspiracy theory. Questions like why are animals and insects all over the world suddenly forming moving concentric circles? From sheep to turtles to turkeys to dogs to ants.

Earlier this month,the Chinese state news outlet People’s Daily posted this video from the Chinese Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The flock of sheep had been going in circles for more than ten days.

Could it possibly be a reaction to the progress of the Higgs Boson particle collider materializing the God Particle at CERN? Could it be that Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting? Or is it Phase 2 of Operation Lockstep materializing? Where a ramped up 5G attacks the immune system of those that took the vaccines. Sending the animal kingdom with varying degrees of natural magnetism into circular repetition?

After witnessing this video of ants reacting to a cell phone ringing. Australian entomologist Nigel Andrew from the University of New England surmised that "A lot of ants use magnetism to orientate themselves. have magnetic receptors in their antennae," he said. "If they're travelling long distances they use magnetic cues from Earth to know if they are going north, east, south or west."

Early signs of phase 2 include non compliant Covid fines being replaced with jail time. Most non-essential travel placed under lockdown. An increase of military checkpoints. A soft rollout of population tracking via mandatory Covid passports. More large scale food shortages forcing people only access to essential products or services if they are awarded permission. And anyone that disagrees mysteriously disappears. They must rollout phase 2 before it is too late. Many are realizing that the Flu numbers don't add up. That dying suddenly has become far to common. And they must be stopped before Phase 3 results in the release of a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus that will make a nuclear war look like sympathy.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 26, 2022 - Runtime: 5:42
Operation Lockstep Doubles Down

The Rockefeller Foundation in league with a host of globalist think tanks already documented in detail the current directives forcing sovereign nations into medical tyranny. Regardless of the scores of medical experts warning against the Covid Vaccines. And the exponential proof linking the vaccines to a massive genocide operation. The G20 summit in Bali ended with the World Economic Forum's puppets declaring to create a Global Health Passport. A passport that will usher in a global chinese model social credit score based on the allowance of carbon emissions to individuals worldwide.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 18, 2022 - Runtime: 6:20
The Kill Grid Is All Around You!

This is the entry point into the horrifying dam that is about to burst on humanity. A kill grid has been constructed to silently reduce the population. A quiet war against humanity waged by a sociopathic corrupt technocratic elite. Recent developments at the B20 in Indonesia have given the offshoots of World Government their own authority to control humanity when their next pandemic is deployed. Wake up before it is too late!

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 15, 2022 - Runtime: 6:02
Globalists Push Mass Suicide

Canada is leading the way for the World Economic Forum's mass suicide campaign. Many in pain are being recommended to the service known as MAID to end their lives rather than coexist with the self proclaimed deities leading the world into the hellscape of a fourth industrial revolution.The public must completely awaken. Whether they know it or not, humanity has been targeted for extermination.

Jon Bowne Report - Nov 12, 2022 - Runtime: 10:19
What Does Your Gut Tell You About The Midterm Chaos?

After the midterms. Alot of fed up Americans were left dazed by the resilience of the message of the Democratic Party . A Democratic platform that said your increasing poverty doesn't exist. The machete attacks, daylight homicides and subway rapes never happened. If you insist on not killing your children, we are coming for your children whether you like it or not... domestic terrorist.

Rampant homelessness and skyrocketing drug deaths aren't a mental health crisis it is the new norm. We will make owning a home and retirement impossible for subsequent Generations. The overwhelming evidence of vaccine deaths and injuries are a figment of your conspiratorial imagination. And don't mind the 5 million illegal aliens that we are chomping at the bit to use to finally decimate your American Dream. They will be voting for our New World Order before you can say President Antichrist. This was their message.

What factors lead to this trainwreck of the Corporacratic District Of Criminals Country Club mirage of a Constitutional Republic?

Was there a Generational factor? Gen Z, the 18-29 age group gave 28 points to the Democrats. Swayed by the fear mongering and the Abortion distraction, were happy to trade whats left of their future to their marxist Boomer counterparts who promised them student loan forgiveness and will now wag slavery in the form of universal basic income in their faces.

Did Trump's shadow loom too large over a Republican party rising from his ashes? Or are these merely excuses to distract the CNN exit polls that revealed that 75% of voters said the country is on the 'wrong track' and an overwhelming majority are 'angry' about inflation and the economy.

Biden and company will now ramp up the threats on anyone with an unshakeable gut feeling after witnessing once again the blatant antiquated and openly rigged via "incompetence" voting system.

In Austin, Texas, local elections approved the ruling Democrats 3 and a half billion in Bond proposals that have now brought an end to any possibility of affordability. Austin, a corrupt Blue City where millions are potentially being pocketed by a City Council that has dodged an audit that has been evaded for years.

The faster we face the horrible reality grinning in our faces. The faster it ends. Everything the Democrats projected is inevitably on the table for the American people. All Americans must now prepare for the remainder of Biden's dictatorship.


Jon Bowne Report - Jan 12, 2022 - Runtime: 6:59
Biden Regime Prepares For War Against Americans

It has been known since the dawn of civilization that a tyrant will always find a pretext for their tyranny. And so it goes in 2022 as an unyielding portion of the bureaucracy of the Federal Government of the United States, poisoned by visions of globalist totalitarian grandeur, fueled by the 109 year inhabitance of a foreign central banking cartel will utilize their one sided characterization of the staged events of January 6th to propel their quest for unlimited power.

Whether its unconstitutional Vaccine mandates and lockdowns resulting from gain of function research engineered by the seemingly untouchable Nuremberg Code violations of Dr. Fauci.

Or the current wargames being played out in rural North Carolina where a “realistic” guerrilla war will be fought across two dozen North Carolina counties in the coming weeks, with young soldiers battling seasoned “freedom fighters,” according to the U.S. Army.

As the Charlotte Observer reported "Known as Robin Sage, the exercise serves as a final test for Special Forces Qualification Course training and it places candidates in a politically unstable country known as Pineland. The candidates face off against seasoned service members from units across Fort Bragg, as well as specially trained civilians, officials said. The setting is “characterized by armed conflict,” forcing the students to solve problems in a real world setting. “These military members act as realistic opposing forces and guerrilla freedom fighters, also known as Pineland resistance movement,” the center said. “To add realism of the exercise, civilian volunteers throughout the state act as role players. Participation by these volunteers is crucial to the success of this training, and past trainees attest to the realism they add to the exercise.

There is an endgame to the madness of bumbling Biden's desperate grasp for Oligarchy. The actual Great lie? We now have a Federal Government deeming Americans demanding a redress of their grievances as domestic terrorists. Meanwhile, haphazardly attempting to pose as the saviors to protect the American people and its Country Club of career politicians gaming the system from an informed patriotic majority. When everyone knows deep down in their gut that we must inevitably save ourselves from the unrelenting tyranny of a Republic hijacked by a power crazed sociopathic elitist establishment drugged by institutionalized marxism and dominated by foreign control.

Jon Bowne Report - Jan 10, 2022 - Runtime: 6:01
U.S. Tyrants Push Covid Internment Camps

As 2022 begins, The Great Reset rollout of pre determined Covid quarantine camps is digging its claws into the blue dictatorships of the United States.

As Infowars Writer Jamie White reports “ The state of Washington may amend a law to allow the forcible detainment of residents into COVID “internment camps” for defying state vaccine mandates.

The proposed revision to the COVID protocol under the Communicable and Certain Other Diseases Act, called WAC 246-100-040, would grant local health officers at “his other sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.” Additionally, the measure would allow law enforcement to assist public health officials in detaining residents who refused the COVID injection.

The “emergency detention order” would allow individuals to be detained “for a period not to exceed ten days.”

This alarming measure comes in tandem with Gov. Jay Inslee’s (D) effort to hire “strike teams” to run quarantine camps, outlined in the state’s governmentjobs.com website, a term that has since been scrubbed from the website sometime after the bulletin was posted in September 2021.Notably, WAC 246-100-040 was certified on October 25, 2019, just months before the COVID-19 pandemic began in January 2020. Inslee further warned unvaccinated residents on Wednesday that he will soon impose even more harsh COVID restrictions to address the 146% spike in COVID cases despite 68% of Washington’s residents being “fully vaccinated.”

Meanwhile, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) attempts to pass a similar bill allowing authorities to forcibly detain anyone she deems a public health threat. The bill, called A.416, would “allow the governor or the appropriate health official to order the removal and detention of any person afflicted with a communicable disease in the event that there is a state of health emergency declared by the governor in relation to such disease.”

“No person or group removed or detained by order of the governor or his or her delegate shall be detained for as long as the department may direct,” the proposed bill states.

The Washington State Board of Health will hold a virtual public meeting on January 12 to discuss the implementation of W 246-100-040.

Washington State Physician Assistant Scott Miller told The Gateway Pundit that “They have already set up the internment camps. I’ve seen photographs of them.”

Jon Bowne Report - Jan 04, 2022 - Runtime: 6:03
Do Not Question The Mass Formation Psychosis

Do not question the mass formation psychosis. Or like the inventor of MRNA you will be banned from the New America ruled over by the tech overlords of social media. Do not question the science regarding 5G technology when it comes to the connection between Covid 19 and exposure to radio frequency radiation. Do not question the shutdown of all therapeutics by the pharmaceutical giants control of Joe Biden. Do not question Joe Biden's lies about the pandemic of the unvaccinated. Do not question the obvious. Obey the mass formation psychosis.

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For Acts of Treason

And then add to this...
- Joe Biden -
- Hillary & Bill Clinton -
- George W. Bush -
etc, etc, etc....
